On Thursday evening Stafford Borough Council will be voting on - TopicsExpress


On Thursday evening Stafford Borough Council will be voting on whether or not to launch and fund a judicial review of the TSA process to downgrade Stafford hospital. If you would like to know how your councillor votes on Thursday night, then ask them to request that the council record each vote in the minutes of the meeting. I know it’s unbelievable, but the council do not record or publish who voted for what and when, unless 12 councillors specifically ask for this to happen. So please, click on the link below, find your councillor in the list and send him or her an e-mail requesting a Recorded Vote, as described in section 17.4 of the council constitution, otherwise we may never get to know how our councillors have voted on this most important of matters. staffordbc.gov.uk/DemServCouncillors Please feel free to cut and paste this letter to use as a template. Just add your own name and address. YOUR NAME YOUR ADDRESS 8th April 2014 Dear Mr/Mrs..... I understand that the council will be voting on whether to launch a judicial review into the TSA process at Stafford hospital and whether or not it should be funded by Stafford Borough Council. Im sure you would agree that on a matter as serious as this, it is only right that the electorate of Stafford get to see which way their councillor votes on this issue? With this in mind, may I implore you to make a request that a Recorded Vote takes place, listing who voted for what after the debate on Thursday night. May I also ask that you encourage other councillors to follow suit as I know that it requires 12 councillors to enable this, in line with section: 17.4 of the Stafford Borough Council constitution. Your sincerely Your name
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 21:44:02 +0000

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