On Thursday the 5th September 2013 a People’s Assembly meeting - TopicsExpress


On Thursday the 5th September 2013 a People’s Assembly meeting was held at the Adelphi hotel. The multi-million pound union Unite are affiliated to this movement and play a big part in organising its meetings. The people’s Assembly, which was launched in February 2013 was backed by the former Labour MP Tony Benn (genuine guy, but in reality upper middle class with a pseudo conscience), Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn (another Labour MP with a pseudo conscience) the former working class but now middle class leader of the Unite union Len McCluskey (who does everything the Labour party tells him to as well as indulging in subterfuge with them). The People’s Assembly is backed by all the unions and already the Labour party has, unchallenged, surreptitiously stamped its name onto the movement and as such has cloned itself to the People’s Assembly, even though it is now obvious even to the most casual observer that the Labour party does not represent the real working classes anymore. The Labour party are masters at pretending to support organisations when they have no intention of supporting them. Who else is involved? Green party MP Caroline Lucas, Labour MP Katy Clark, comedian Mark Steel and the new darling of the left, journalist Owen Jones and let’s not forget Lindsey German and her partner John Rees. The Marxists Lindsey German and John Rees are internationalist who’s heads are constantly buried in international issues so these people would really be out of place mixing amongst the British working class poor who live in Britain’s socially deprived communities. As well as being the same old same old what do all these self-elected people have in common? Yes, you guessed right, they are all middle class, quite well off and have fat cat pensions to look forward to when they retire. Practically all of them are university educated people who are given the top table wherever they go. Who on earth gave these people the right to represent me? Who on earth gave them the right to push their left wing middle class cultural perspective down my working class throat? One thing is certain, even immutable, these people, with their jolly good fellow personas, will do absolutely nothing to end the miseries of the British working class poor. These people see themselves as middle class Orwellian figures who have a God given right to speak on behalf of working class people like me. Here is what the Tories say about the People Assembly: Conservative propagandist Dan Hodge described the meeting that formally launched the assembly as "Just the same old people, handing out the same old leaflets for the same old causes",6] Let’s get one thing straight, I am not a Tory and never will be, but have the Tories got it right here? The meeting was held in the Adelphi’s Hotel’s huge main conference hall. The hall was packed with about 900 people. An amazing turn out you may say? Yes it was but, it soon became apparent to me that nearly all of the people there were middle class unionised public sector workers who still had well-paid jobs and, just like the above mentioned, fat pensions to look forward to when they retire. Sat amongst and dwarfed by these people were ordinary working class poor people who were suffering from the benefit cuts and the demonic bedroom tax. The top table was chaired by the sainted Sheila Coleman who is the North West Regional officer for the poor communities. Her well paid job entails helping and advising the people who are suffering from the bedroom tax and other benefit cuts. As already mentioned the handpicked safe speakers who shared from the top table were, senior Unite union official Steve Turner, Independent newspaper journalist Owen Jones, comedian Mark Steel and a couple of others. These people are already being referred to by the thinking working class within the poor communities as the same old faces who in reality do nothing of any real significance to help the working class poor who are now suffering within our socially deprived communities. And as was expected none of these speakers, especially the Unite speaker, even mentioned the Labour party and its cowardly silence concerning the most draconian welfare cuts ever inflicted on the working class poor. They avoided any real criticism of the Labour party, which proves that these people are in league with the Labour party and in reality care nothing about the miseries of the working class poor. Do these people think that we are blind and we can’t see what they are up to? If Labour gets back into power in the next general election do you think they will stop the bedroom tax? Of course they won’t. The closest Labour will come to scrapping it is they will reform it, but it will still be the same and it will still keep hundreds of thousands of working class people locked into everlasting stress and misery. The Real Working Class Hero: Celia Ralph (Dingle Against The Bedroom Tax) The most bizarre part of the meeting was how Celia Ralph, who has earned the right to be called a working class hero, was treated. Unlike the handpicked on message safe acolytes who shared from the top table this lady was asked by the chair of the People’s Assembly meeting Sheila Coleman to come up to the front and speak from the floor. So there was this woman who only deals in truth and reality being dwarfed by Sheila Coleman and the people who were sitting on the stage looking down at her back. As is always the case with people like Celia Ralph, who are out in the field voluntary helping (not paid) and witnessing the real suffering of the working classes, they are never given the top table at these middle class jamborees. Celia Ralph spoke about the union Unites involvement and the suffering of the poor people who are being hit by this dreadful bedroom tax and other draconian cuts. In my opinion this lady was the only speaker I trusted because she spoke about the food banks and how the poor people on benefits are really suffering. In my opinion she also gave the impression that Unite and the People’s Assembly were not doing as much to help as they would like people to believe. Whilst she was speaking a working class tenant (who was obviously suffering from the bedroom tax) shouted from amongst the audience. “Speaking won’t get us anywhere direct action is what is needed”! This interjection gave even more authenticity to Unite and the Labour party’s inaction. I then stood up and shouted that the Labour party needed to be exposed and shamed about its silence concerning the bedroom tax and the benefit cuts. I also pointed out that the Senior Unite official, during his speech, never once gave reference to the Labour party’s silence and treachery. Soon after this and after being subjected to a barrage of scurrilous lies and vile abuse I was surrounded by a bunch of well-dressed drunken Unite officials, punched in the eye and knocked sprawling to the ground. Now I’m not in the best of health, being 59 years old and having had a heart attack, but even though I pointed this out to them they still carried on with this barrage of malicious abuse. I was then thrown out of the venue in the most undignified manner by Unite stewards and this was in spite of the fact that I am a Unite member. Oh, and the usual cries of you are a fascist were screamed at me, because I was once a former member of UKIP. This is surprising, because in 2008 at the Labour party conference, which was held at Liverpool’s Echo Arena Labour were all over UKIP, they even invited UKIP MEP’s to speak at their fringe meetings. The reason they were all over UKIP was because, at the time, UKIP were taking votes of the Tories in the southern marginal seats and helping Labour MP’s get elected in through the back door. But now all this has changed and UKIP are taking votes off the Labour party in their Northern heartland constituencies. So now Labour, with the help of Unite’s Len McCuskey, are falling over themselves to demonise UKIP, with the usual accusations of being racist fascists. Of course, I never bothered pursue this with police because what was the use of doing that? There were no sympathetic witnesses, as far as I know and what can an honest ordinary working class individual like me do against the power of Unite the union and the corrupt Labour party. What’s really sad is I oppose the bedroom tax from a sense of injustice and good heart. I could have been an asset in the fight against it but they, the union Unite, chose to treat me spitefully. They simply do not care for the vulnerable, but only their own interests and political agendas. At this present moment in history the Labour party is trying to give the public, especially the middle class public, the impression that they are distancing themselves from the unions, but this is a subterfuge. In reality the Labour party and the unions, especially the union Unite are constantly in secret collusion with each other. Unite claims to be a socialist union like all the unions claim to be, yet they still cosy up to the dreadful Labour party and refuse to talk about controversial issues and like their cohorts in the Labour party they hide these issues in a sea of political correctness so as to stop the working classes from talking about them, even though the working classes are concerned about them. One of these issues is immigration from the sub-continents and the adverse effects this immigration is having on our socially deprived communities, especially on the provision of social housing, schools and health care. Then we have millions of European Union worker coming into the country and taking all the available jobs, forcing the wages down and doing the same as the above concerning housing and other vital services. It’s perfectly Ok for the unions and the Labour party to talk about immigration, but, if anyone else even mentions the issue they are called racists and fascists, when in reality they are just concerned citizens. Ed Milliband’s admission that Labour got it wrong on immigration has simply been ignored by their main financial backer Unite. Take a look at the attached video and see for yourself, you can’t argue with the truth. Does this mean that the Labour party leader is now a fascist racist because he apologised for letting too many immigrants from the sub-continents in? Link to this video is at the bottom of the post. I have been around the middle class left wing for years and in my opinion this is the reality of what really goes on: The people who attend these meetings are the same old faces controlled by the same old unions and the same old far left wing parties who do the same old things and get pissed drunk after every meeting and the well-off middle class champagne socialists amongst them go for a meal in a fine restaurant and the sainted middle class hero figure’s, such as Own Jones, jump on trains to another speaking venue where they will be further adored by all the middle class public sector workers and darlings of the left. What happens to the faceless poor real working classes? Well, they make their lonely way home either on foot or if they can afford it by public transport, still living in the misery of poverty and without any hope of any real change. If Unite are going to get involved in the poor socially deprived communities and sink-hole estates they should stop trying to make working class people think that the middle classes are also working class when they are not. Working class union official in Unite and in all the other unions should wake up to the fact that they have blinded themselves to the sufferings of millions of poor working class people who just survive on a pittance. They should cut all ties to the lying, deceitful Labour party and create another working class party that represents and listens to the true working class voice. So in conclusion what is the People’s Assembly’s real purpose? The People’s Assembly is in reality part of the Labour party and the union Unite and its real purpose is to: Neutralise any decent Manufacture decent Self-censorship Covert coercion Political correctness Smoother any real working class spontaneity and outbursts Envelope the working class poor Smoother groups and impose their agendas onto the groups Control the language, issues and agendas Impose their voice onto the tenants Impose cultural of separatism to keep the liberal middle class in control Important controversial political issue not addressed Influencing the tenants into believing that they need their help The above list could go on add -infinite. The union Unite acting in collusion with the Labour party will hijack legitimate working class grievances and channel them into their own agendas in order to advance their interests and push the working class to the outer margins. They present themselves as the crusaders of the working class, but in reality it’s about empowering themselves. In other words they get the salaries the pensions and the positions of power and ass such the working class grievances are never properly addressed. Even the far left are now criticising the People’s Assembly. The well-known Liverpool socialist Tony Mulhearn also sees what these people are up to. He spoke about it in the Socialist News, link below. Also, take at the Communist Party of Great Britain’s comments on the People’s Assembly on their web site. This surely proves that these people are in reality trying to neutralise any real working class spontaneity. https://youtube/watch?v=fVcNlAOSL5k socialistparty.org.uk/articles/17365/06-09-2013/merseyside-peoples-assembly-a-lost-opportunity blog.cpgb-ml.org/what-is-the-peoples-assembly-for/
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:40:46 +0000

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