On behalf of CEMSA, everybody is welcome back on campus. As we all - TopicsExpress


On behalf of CEMSA, everybody is welcome back on campus. As we all know that this is second symester of the academic calendar year with various definitions which could be advanced by various students as being characterized by it. For instance, some would say it is an activity-filled symester, others might have to say it is too short. While others may define it as social-activities oriented and so on. In deviation from these different instances, I see it as an adjustment symester. To the fresh ( though they have spent a few months on the campus, I still see them as fresh) and hot students we are all beings with fictional goals which in no small measure dictate the tone of our behaviour. It is a patent fact that we put up strivings here and there to actualize the goals but we must be quick to learn and understand that problem is an intrinsic composition of life. The problem does not just stand idly by but attempts to stand between us and our goals. Therefore, so far, from what we have seen and experienced in the first symester as proving to upset the apple cart, this is the psychological moment to effect a correction and fastly adjust ourselves to it to ensure that these goals are on the right track. The information below can be used as a ladder to correct any anomaly standing in the way of what we intend to achieve. * Establishment of the problem. * Definition of the problem, especially in relation to ones pattern of life * Collection of data about the problem. * Engaging oneself in intellectual exercise in finding a fix to ones fix and creating as many alternative solutions as possible. * Choosing the best alternative that fits ones situation * Adjusting oneself to a new positive situation that will enhance the achievement of the fictional goals. why i chose this point as the theme of the piece is because to make a correction is not as important as having the faculty to adjust oneself to it. * Finally, evaluating ones course of action towards correction. ONCE AGAIN CEMSA SAYS WELCOME BACK ON CAMPUS.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 03:51:01 +0000

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