On my mind this morning. In March of 2013, my wife was in a car - TopicsExpress


On my mind this morning. In March of 2013, my wife was in a car accident. We are thankful that neither she nor the other driver were injured. Cars can be repaired. About a week after the accident, my son came from school and told us we would be hearing from his teacher. Really? my wife says. Yes, continues my son. I was talking in class and not paying attention. He then says, Now here is what I want you to tell the teacher. Tell her that I was so worked up about Momma being in an accident, I was having a hard time paying attention in class. Ummm. No, But I do think my son should get a point for creativity. I find it fascinating how human beings are remarkably gifted at putting good reasons to their mistakes. This leads us to ask ourselves about the conclusions we have drawn about people and life. More times than we are willing to admit, we have made snap judgements about people and situations and then added brilliant rationalizations for those judgments. Once we have drawn those conclusions, it is highly unlikely that we will change our minds. For this reason, a faith community can help us grow. In a faith community, we have brothers and sisters who can listen, ask good questions, and help us test our conclusions about people and life. In a faith community, we are in a relationship with people who may be different from us and disagree with us. We need this. We need this for none of us is all right all the time nor all wrong all of the time. Blessings. Pastor Tim @timmentzer
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 10:47:38 +0000

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