On the 122th EARTHSTRONG OF H.is I.mperial M.ajesty, Emperor Haile - TopicsExpress


On the 122th EARTHSTRONG OF H.is I.mperial M.ajesty, Emperor Haile Selassie the 1st, i sit here at home pondering LIFE and its many wonders(known & unknown). While Jill Scotts,The Real Thing(Words & Sounds Vol.3) plays in the background, i am drawn to a younger picture of H.I.M. when he was still known as Tafari Makonnen. He was 12 years old at this time as the year this picture was took is 1904(In November to be more exact). I smile because i can already see the what hed become even at this adolescent age :-), for HIS EYES NEVER LIE! Ya know back on The Black Album, Jay-Z said a 2 lines that has never left my psyche yet. He said,And you can try to change, BUT thats just the top layer/ Man YOU WAS WHO YOU WAS BEFORE YOU GOT HERE! And i TRULY believe that. Everytime Bob Marley was asked,How long have you been a Rasta, his answer would come without pause,FROM CREATION. Then hed explain that,Its not really HOW LONG, but WHEN DID YOU REALISE YOU IS A RASTA, and i innerstand that as well. For ive been told that when a spirit returns to this material realm, they return with a dual aspect of themself as well. And while your physically maturing, this dual code thats inside of you is ascending as well. Usually it is mostly called your subconscious side, but truthfully THERES NOTHING,SUB ABOUT IT. For this side is the stronger of you without contest. But society has brainwashed us into fighting this part of ourselves for life, and sadly most never realise the POTENTIAL that we always had in ourselves and yet again become dust without ever using it. As for me personally, Ive been feeling this greatness from birth, but i actually seen it watching me in the mirror when i was in the bathroom at 14yrs old. And meh aint gah lie, I WAS SCARED at what i saw,lol! For what looked at me in my reflection was me, BUT NOT ME at the same time! This part of me was a royal military soldier, devoid of any humor, and watched me with the sun burning in his eyes! I said(in my mind),Who are you? and he replied likewise,I AM YOU! I RAN THE PHUCK OUTTA THAT BATHROOM you hear me,LMBAO!!! When i went back in the vision was gone and i cauh 1nce again see myself in the reflection, except for 1 thing. Where there wasnt a crease(or furrow) before dead in between my eyebrow dem, there was now... I wiped at it, tried to rub it off, but since then that furrow has only become more defined and regal. I actually like it now because the sistas seem to LOVE it, LOL! But i said all of that to say this:As so for me, then SO FOR YOU! REALISE AND RECOGNISE YOUR GREATNESS in the part of yourself least known. For ITS BEEN THERE, BEFORE YOU GOT HERE! And inside that code is YOUR,TRUE MISSION IN this LIFE! YES I&I, JAH RASTAFARI!!!!!!!!!-AKIN(G) SEH SO!!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:31:49 +0000

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