On the Phenomenon of Depression: The fruit of the Holy Spirit - TopicsExpress


On the Phenomenon of Depression: The fruit of the Holy Spirit contains joy and peace, which are antithetical to depression, though we can feel pressed down but not abandoned. Depression is hopelessness. We can feel depression in our soul and can even struggle with finding hope, due to the onslaught of emotions, but to BE depressed maintain and make provision for the disposition is quite another thing altogether. I would never argue that we dont or cant struggle with depression as Christians, nor would I argue that SOMETIMES there are ORGANIC causes of depression which can be addressed through medication. We struggle with all manner of things, but we also must realize that in our flesh dwells no good thing. Jesus tells us to not lose heart and to be of good cheer. He tells us that in Him we will find our peace. The Apostle Paul was thrown into a dungeon and in chains, without air conditioning or cable TV and yet he was able to write what theologians have called his epistle of joy, his letter to the Philippians. He had no chemical imbalance to hold on to, or any psychotropic drug to comfort him. He wrestled with a thorn in the flesh, but then had the epiphany that Christs power was perfected in his weakness. That power is supernatural peace and joy. Corrie Ten Boom experienced the same thing in a Nazi concentration camp, after her mother, father and sister had all been murdered. This is our HOPE. We dont need to accept the disposition of depression, but we can press forward in faith, even though we may in fact FEEL depressed. I lost everything I owned about 3 years ago. My wife committed suicide, the church I attended turned on me, my dog died, my mom was brutally beaten by a police officer (though she never even broke the law). My mom tried to kill herself in front of me. I had to nurse her back to health. Now she has the will to live b/c a pastors wife spends hour upon hour with her, doing something as simple as a Bible study. My mom was never able to find the right mixture of pills. She lost her house, her career and her brother killed himself. WE ARE EXPERIENCING THE PEACE OF CHRIST WHICH SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, THOUGH SHE HAS BEEN TOLD SHE HAS A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE. I wouldnt let them tell me I have one, b/c its hogwash if they have never EVEN ONCE tested her chemicals or mine. Elementary my dear Watson (y)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:38:01 +0000

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