On the center of our galaxy (actually in each galaxy) there - TopicsExpress


On the center of our galaxy (actually in each galaxy) there aren’t “black hole” but exact copy of our galaxy (each galaxy), differently with much younger matter than in our position of observation (orbital radius-position of our Sun) how it is shown in Q&A and USM kanevuniverse pages: 95 to 98. This young matter is contains from the so called proto particles which have mass (2,63.〖10〗^4 )^3 times smaller compare to the proton mass, which means it is equal to k=18,2.〖10〗^12 times smaller compare to proton measured in our position of observation (orbital radius position of our Sun in our galaxy), which is approximately the same until to the periphery of our galaxy where the mass of proton has to be a little heavier. So what is the density of the matter in the center of our galaxy which defines the centripetal acceleration there (see USM part II)? Let see pages: 80 to 82 USM where were established the radius of birth of the Sun, which is: 0,726.〖10〗^12 times smaller compare to the present orbital radius of the Sun, so approximately: (3,1.〖10〗^22)/(0,726.〖10〗^12 )=4,27.〖10〗^10 [cm], i.e. around three light seconds. So if our galaxy has for example 100 billion stars like our Sun this means mass 100 billion suns, where the mass of proton is measured here. But in the central area the mass of proton is (k)-times smaller, at the same time radius-sphere of this area is decreases 0,726.〖10〗^12 times, so the density of this area containing “suns” from proto particles is equal to: ρ_pr=(〖0,726.10〗^12 )^3.1/(18,2.〖10〗^12 )=2,1.〖10〗^22 times bigger compare to the density of our galaxy enclosed by the present orbital radius of the Sun which is approximately 3,5.〖10〗^(-24) [g/〖cm〗^3 ]. So the searched density is equal to: ρ_pr=2,1.〖10〗^22.3,5.〖10〗^(-24)=7,35.〖10〗^(-2) [g/〖cm〗^3 ] . If we accept that the density of the Sun is approximately equal to the density of hydrogen atoms: 1,4[g/〖cm〗^3 ], then we see that on the periphery of this nucleus of our galaxy, which is exactly copy of our galaxy but with proto young matter, the centripetal acceleration is: 1,4/(7,35.〖10〗^(-2) )=19 times smaller compare to the same acceleration on the surface of the Sun (see part II USM). To compare the two accelerations we have to compare the sphere radius of the Sun with the radius of the nucleus of the galaxy, as to take into account g=G.M/r^2 follow: ((6,96.〖10〗^10)/(4,27.〖10〗^10 ))^2.19=50,5 times smaller acceleration about the galaxy nucleus surface. Because the number of the proto suns are the same as it is in the galaxy, namely 100 billions, then follows that the number of the equivalent Sun masses in the center of our galaxy is approximate 2 billion sun masses acceleration, which represent the acceleration of hypothetical “black hole” but in the explanation of the USM theory and only about our position of observation. G.Kanev
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:51:31 +0000

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