On the last day of 2014, I look back on what has turned out to be - TopicsExpress


On the last day of 2014, I look back on what has turned out to be a very difficult year for me. I am leaving the hurt of losing two close friends (one very long term, one 3 years or so) behind. I have come to terms with the fact that both of those friendships are likely permanently lost. I am grateful for what remains. I came to realize that a friend will not use you, mistreat you, or threaten you in any way. I am not going into detail with either situation. One I have already vented about, and have said pretty much everything that can be said about said situation from my perspective. The long term friendship that ended was one of over 30 years, and out of respect for that long-term friendship, and what it meant to my life (all the things that said person did for me and for others), it has been dealt with privately and is not up for discussion. I am definitely NOT the same person that I was in January 2014 (I have experienced exponential spiritual growth), and am most grateful for the friendships that God strengthened over the past year, as well as my ME friends, both from the 90s and the past year and a half. Friends whom I have met over the years as a result of knowing Mike, and praying for my precious friend, those friends are some of the most awesome friends one could ever ask for. There are two friends who supported me unconditionally, loving me, praying for me, and yes, even telling me about myself when I needed to hear it. Tammy Bergeron Wyatt and Michael English pulled me through what was an unbelievably difficult time They supported me with love and compassion, which was much needed. None of them should have any doubt that God used them to help me. My Minister friend, Judy also gave me reality checks as needed (the thing that always made me laugh was “you are a lady, you do NOT give money to a man under any circumstances, because if they need you to give them cash, they are NOT a man!”), and did it with love and compassion as well. Judy had more things to say, but those will remain between she and I, as they would identify the subject of our conversations, which I have no desire to do. My life is richer for those who have shown themselves to be true friends. They know me, they trust me, and I know and trust them. I resolve to take Mike’s advice, and treat those who have hurt me with kindness, compassion, and love, as hurting people hurt people. I also resolve to remember what my Minister friend says about the situation that I am now finished with: “Those who mess with God’s people will face God’s Justice.” I have seen this many times, and know that it is true. I plan to continue working on myself, and being a help to friends when I can. Even with the difficulty of this past year, I know that God will work all things together for my good. He has already started doing that. I am amazed at how He has put things in place, in a way that there is no room for doubt that it is indeed, “a God thing”. I will leave you with a couple of verses that were very meaningful to me this year. I like this first one so much, I use it as one of my signatures on my email account. The second one, Michael shared. You never know how that “nonsensical” thing that God is prompting you to do will help someone who is dealing with the difficulties of life. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Proverbs 10:9New International Version (NIV) 9Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out. Matthew 5:44-45New International Version (NIV) 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:16:52 +0000

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