On the matter related to my brief posting about Siddhis/Psychic - TopicsExpress


On the matter related to my brief posting about Siddhis/Psychic abilities some queries have come, Well here is a list of some of the Psychic abilities: Apportation - Materialization, disappearance, or teleportation of an object. Aura reading - Perception of the energy fields surrounding people, places, and things. Automatic writing - Writing produced without conscious thought. Astral projection or mental projection - An out-of-body experience in which an "astral body" becomes separate from the physical body. Bilocation or multilocation - Being in multiple places at the same time. Clairaudience - receiving messages in thought form from another frequency or realm. It is considered a form of channeling. Clairvoyance, second sight - Perception outside the known human senses. Death-warning - A vision of a living person prior to his or her death. Divination - Gaining insight into a situation via a ritual. Dowsing - Ability to locate objects. Energy medicine - Healing by channeling a form of energy. Faith healing - Diagnosing and curing disease using religious devotion. Mediumship or channeling – Communicating with spirits. Precognition, premonition and precognitive dreams - Perception of events before they happen. Psychic surgery - Removal of diseased body tissue via an incision that heals immediately afterwards. Psychokinesis or telekinesis - Manipulation of matter or energy by the power of the mind, or thought. Psychometry or psychoscopy - Obtaining information about a person or object. Pyrokinesis - Manipulation of fire. Remote viewing - Gathering of information at a distance. Retrocognition - Perception of past events. Scrying - Use of an item to view events at a distance or in the future. Telepathy or empathy - Transfer of thoughts or emotions. Transvection - Bodily levitation or flying. Quite a few Sadhaks/Energy workers have attained some of these (Depending on there spiritual level and experience/practice)up to different stages.Some of you who know me have experienced some of these. There are a few steps which help you in developing your psychic abilities. Meditate. Experiment with various techniques until you find one that feels right for you. Keep a healthy diet. Remember, there is no right way or wrong way to perform meditation. It is only important that you are able to relax and focus your mind. If you continue the practice of meditation for any length of time, you will begin to notice the existence of your own spiritual energy. It is the connection to your spiritual self which provides intuitive information. Strengthening the connection to your spiritual self will result in an increase of your psychic abilities Meditation is most important for psychic abilities. It can help you in many walks of life-for instance, if your child has trouble reading teach him to meditate and they often get better. It may seem odd, but it helps a lot. Try to be more aware of your surroundings. Upon waking in the morning, make an effort to lie still for a few minutes without opening your eyes. Try to notice as many sounds, textures and smells as possible before you decide to open your eyes. This exercise, if carried out for several weeks, can greatly help to increase your levels of awareness and intuition Listen. The act of listening is important in increasing psychic awareness. After continuing this exercise for some time, you will begin to notice an increase in your overall awareness, which affects your level of intuition. Pay attention to random thoughts and feelings. Keep a journal handy at all times and try to write down those thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. You may notice after a while that patterns tend to emerge. Thoughts that previously seemed completely random and unconnected begin to form themes or recognizable ideas. Record your dreams in your journal. If you have been following the awareness exercise outlined above you will have noticed that your dreams are much easier to recall. Allowing yourself a few minutes to be still upon waking makes it much easier to remember dreams with more detail than if you rush out of bed in the morning and hurry to start the day. Try to set your alarm clock to wake you up ten or fifteen minutes before your normal waking time. Give yourself some time to remember your dreams and make a few quick notes in your journal. Embrace the power of silence and solitude. Keeping away from the rowdiness and activities of noisy distractions can help the mind think more clearly, in terms of developing inner mental accuracy and focus. Drink in the beauty of natural sounds, like the chirping of birds, the babbling of water from a brook, waterfall, etc. These natural echos are known to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. But most importantly, expect the unexpected!
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 15:37:46 +0000

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