On the todays national issues, it is pertinent in my judgment that - TopicsExpress


On the todays national issues, it is pertinent in my judgment that the manner President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has handled the North Eastern Region issues of Boko Haram and their so called 253 Adopted female students in the Sambissa Forest known as the Chibok Girls has been exemplary and laudable. Unfortunately, many belligerent members of the opposition parties and their cohorts in the Northern Nigeria have unscrupulously jumped on the bandwagon effect and delivering cheap criticism of your government. As a product of International Relations & Security Studies, I make bold to say that nowhere in the world has a government engaged in negotiation with a faceless terrorist movement that has no political ideology. Boko Haram as a militant organization has no focus, ideology nor political meaning. As long as they remain in this formation and lack a standard mouth-peace, the government of Nigeria must not engage or encourage any form of primary negotiation. Notwithstanding, other forms of secondary negotiations by religious bodies can be engaged upon by elements in Northern Nigeria. It is shocking that whilst all the notable members of the Northern elites have shamefully relocated from their Northern abodes and now residing peacefully in the comfort of the Federal Capital City of Abuja, they are suddenly and deviously engaging in pouring pernicious and prevaricating accusations against President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for failing to rescue the now infamous adopted female student. So were these petulant Northern elements expecting President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to grab a Riffle and SAM-6 and then walk into the Sambissa Forest to search and rescue the 253 Adopted Female Students for God sake?
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:27:14 +0000

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