On this September 11th as we remember the 3000 people that died on - TopicsExpress


On this September 11th as we remember the 3000 people that died on that day and the 4486 American service members that died in Iraq in the years to follow and the countless Iraqis (anywhere from a few hundred thousand to about 1 million) that died as a result of our war on terror, I challenge my friends and family to question what you think you know about the people that attacked us. On September 11th 2001 we were attacked by 19 very horrible, evil human beings. We were not attacked by a country, we were not attacked by a religion, we were not attacked by a race or nationality ,,, we were attacked by 19 evil people. Of those 19 people, exactly zero of them were Iraqi, zero of them were Afghani, zero of them were Syrian, zero of them were Pakistani. 15 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian, two were from the UAE, one form Egypt and one from Labanon. And they were all working for a Saudi Arabian named Osama Bin Laden. And our response to the attacks of 9/11 was to wage war on Iraq and Afghanistan, so I will not be too surprised if the above facts come as a surprise to many of you. Some of you may not even believe them, but a minute of research will verify these facts. Some people love to make the justification for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars by saying the terrorists were trained in those countries. Well, kinda really. In terms that US veterans can relate to, they received their basic training there (running, jumping, shooting, etc) but they took their advanced training elsewhere, specifically Florida. ... yes, the one in the United States. ... and nobody is talking about bombing Florida,,, I mean, unless youve been there, then maybe. (that was a joke) So now we are back there again dropping bombs on Iraq trying to rid the world of terrorism. Sadly, you can never rid the world of terrorism because terrorist are people and people live everywhere and everywhere that there are people, there are evil people too. You can bomb Iraq (and any other country you choose) until the entire place is a parking lot and everyone there is dead and you will not have eliminated terrorism,,, it will always exist. Some would even argue that by trying to bomb terrorism out of existence, you actually make the terrorists stronger and more determined and actually help them gain sympathy from like minded people. So whats the answer? Just sit back and do nothing? might be the question you are asking. My answer is; I have no idea. I really do not know what the answer is but Im pretty sure this is not a problem that bombs can solve and I think we have already proven that. I know that when something truly horrible happens, like the events of 9/11, the natural human reaction is to blame someone or something. This gives us someone to focus our very legitimate rage at. The problem with terrorism is that there really is not any one person, country, nationality, religion, or anything else to blame ,,,, its just evil human beings doing unspeakable acts of evil to other human beings. And we are human beings too, so thats a really difficult pill to swallow. So, be sad, be angry, be hurt ... but be careful who you direct your rage against because what you think you know might not even be true. There is a tiny percentage of every group of humans that are complete shitheads and dont deserve to share air with us ,,, but most people are good people even if they dont look like you or talk like you or pray like you. Peace. (drops mic on the floor and leaves the stage)
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:23:21 +0000

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