Once again, I wanna to remind myself. “To see things - TopicsExpress


Once again, I wanna to remind myself. “To see things thousands of miles away, 遠目千里之外那些 things hidden behind walls and within rooms, 藏於高牆之後,房門之外的真實 things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, 迎面危險、迎向真實 to see and be amazed and to feel that is the purpose of life.” 親自眼見、去驚嘆、去感受,這才是人生的目的 Life is about courage and going into the unknow. 人生就是關於勇氣與迎向那未知的一切 What we can do is Adventurous, Brave, Creative~ 而我們唯一可以做就是熱愛冒險,勇於挑戰,創造思考~ José González Stay Alive Theres a rhythm in rush these days 在這些日子裡,有一段音韻不斷地在腦海繚繞著 Where the lights dont move and the colors dont fade 悄悄傾訴著遠方有個永晝的繽紛天地 Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams 就這樣獨留你赤裸地浸在夢想中 In a world gone shallow 在這逐漸流於膚淺的世界裡 In a world gone lean 在這緩慢傾斜的宇宙洪流 Sometimes theres things a man cannot know 有時候,總會有些事情是沒辦法理出頭緒的 Gears wont turn and the leaves wont grow 當齒輪停止轉動、植物不再萌芽 Theres no place to run and no gasoline 將不會有空間讓你狂奔,也沒有地方供你歇息 Engine wont turn 引擎不再轉動 And the train wont leave 火車也不再啟程 I will stay with you tonight 我會伴著你度過今晚 Hold you close til the morning light 把你拉近身側,直到晨光灑在我們身上 In the morning watch a new day rise 在清晨,我們並肩目睹全新的一天緩緩昇起 Well do whatever just to stay alive 全力已赴,只為了感受真實的活著 Well do whatever just to stay alive 盡一切努力,只為了用心活下去 Well the way I feel is the way I write 這麼說吧,我寫下的歌詞就是我所體會的 It isnt like the thoughts of the man who lies 這並不像那些會說謊的人,口若懸河般浮於表面的獻媚話語 There is a truth and its on our side 因為真理始終存在,而且常駐在每個人心頭 Dawn is coming 黎明已經來臨 Open your eyes 張開雙眼吧 Look into the sun as the new days rise 當全新的一天昇起的時候,就直視著朝陽吧 And I will wait for you tonight 而我會為你守候一整晚 Youre here forever and youre by my side 你會靠在我身邊和我攜手見證永遠 Ive been waiting all my life 為了這一刻,我已經等了一輩子 To feel your heart as its keeping time 真實的感受你的溫熱心跳 Well do whatever just to stay alive 我們會傾盡所有,只為了活一場值得的人生 Dawn is coming 黎明即將降臨 Open your eyes 睜開你的雙眼吧 Look into the sun as the new days rise 當全新的一天昇起的時候,就直視著朝陽吧 Theres a rhythm in rush these days 在這些日子裡,有一段音韻不斷地在腦海繚繞著 Where the lights dont move and the colors dont fade 悄悄傾訴著遠方有個永晝的繽紛天地 There is a truth and its on our side 因為真理始終存在,而且永遠和光明並肩 Dawn is coming , open your eyes 黎明已經來臨,就睜開雙眼吧 Look into the sun as the new days rise 當全新的一天昇起的時候,就直視著朝陽吧
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:53:56 +0000

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