Once again, Ive been off line for a while. I love hearing from - TopicsExpress


Once again, Ive been off line for a while. I love hearing from all of you but life seems demanding and busy far too often. Challenges abound for all of us so no matter what we go through we are NOT unique to difficulty. Remember the Rocky movies? His strategy was to block all his opponents punches with has face and head until his opponent grew weary of punching him. Then, in spite of 1314 blows, he finds a miraculous surge of energy, comes back and defeats his opponent. Would you believe theres a spiritual analogy buried in this, a Rocky movie? Life, the enemy of our souls, satan, however you want to word it, comes at us, sometimes subtly but often with a flurry of blows. It may feel like were blocking the attacks with our face, hoping the enemy will get weary. But our enemy never does. As we keep our eyes on our Heavenly Father, that surge of energy comes, we stand in faith and no matter what the outcome of circumstances, we are victorious and the enemys efforts are defeated. Danielle got her MRI results back and it showed several new tumors in her brain. Rather than try to repeat what shes said, Im again posting her comments from Caring Bridge. Its a long post but when youre done reading, I hope youll agree, God is amazing. By Danielle Pint — Aug 21, 2014 5:10pm Today was the big day. Although I am still waiting to have a new CT scan done of my chest and abdomen, we were able to do the MRI this past Tuesday. The results . . . several tumors in my brain. The largest in my right frontal lobe with quite a bit of swelling around it. The second largest in the cerebellum (the area of the hindbrain that controls motor movement coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone). The paradox in all of this, is that except for headaches (which are less frequent and less intense than before), I have no problems with movement or balance. Another paradox, my tumor markers are down to 58 points (from a whopping 109 in June)! Praise God! They want to start radiation on the brain on Monday for a total of 15 days -- taking breaks on the weekends. They said my hair should start falling out around day 10. I have decided that when/if this happens, I will let me husband shave my head and then post the pictures. Prayer points here: may be no hair loss, no moodiness (I hear crankiness/aggression can be in abundance), tumors dissolve in Jesus name. I dont have much to say about this now. I wouldnt say I am in shock or denial. Just still processing things. God has continued to give me peace and I trust His leading. I am contacting my doctors in Houston about this new development as well. Thank you for all of your continued love, support, and prayers! Blessings, Danielle By Danielle Pint — Aug 23, 2014 1:36pm Well, the last couple of nights have been pretty rough for me emotionally. That is when things hit the hardest . . . the business of the day is put to rest and I am alone with my thoughts. The key for me right now is to keep my eyes focused on God and all of His amazing blessings in the midst of this news. For instance: who knows what brain scans wouldve looked like in February had we had any done, Garret is a growing miracle, I was able to deliver Garret normally and with no pain medication, despite the tumors I am in very little to no pain and am very functional, my body neck down is doing fantastic, my movement and balance have not been impacted, my quality of life is high, I can do slow jogs with my kids. Whats not helpful? Symptom watching. It just leads to fear. Pitty parties from myself or others. Putting life on hold with no plans or things to look forward to. Forgetting how amazingly big God is. I told Ryan at one point I wanted to write down my song list for what Ive been going through this past year. Two of the biggies at this exact moment are King of My Heart and Glorious Unfolding. I trust God. My emotions may want me to crumble, but I will crumble into the arms of the one who is strong in the midst of my weakness. It is not my positive attitude that is getting me through any of this, it is God giving me a positive attitude as I trust in His unfailing love and power. My God is the God who instantly healed the lepers, raised the dead, and defeated death. My heart will praise Him not because my life on earth is easy, but because He is worthy no matter the circumstances I face! Please continue to pray and praise with me! Danielle PS The CT scans should be done on Monday and I will have conference call with my oncologist when the results are in. Keep praying : ) Some parting thoughts: May God lead all of you to His peace through Jesus Christ and the finished work he did on the Cross. This life is but a moment in eternity and yet its so easy to live it as if its the priority of our existence. The reason were here is simple: to know God and make Him known - though theres a life time of learning and growing packaged in that statement. We tend to clutter it up with other stuff that in the end wont matter. With that said, Im off into the day that has been prepared for me. Blessings!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 14:40:47 +0000

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