Once again the Democrats, some more than others, are on the wrong - TopicsExpress


Once again the Democrats, some more than others, are on the wrong side of things--regarding the safety of our country. And those that were on the various national security panels back in the years following the 9/11 attack, suddenly have developed amnesia regarding being briefed on exactly what the CIA was doing with and to high value, captured terrorists and combatants. Total hypocrisy! Most of them, following a briefing were demanding that even more be done to this scum to find out their secret plans and discover if we were going to be attacked again! This $40 million dollar report was written entirely by congressional staffers, without so much as a phone call to the actual people running the program to ask them any questions. Its totally bogus, its all political, its reckless, and its dangerous, putting Americans almost anywhere abroad in additional jeopardy! Its giving propaganda to our enemies and causing our friends (allies) to not trust us! Its treachery at its lowest! They might as well go on the payroll of the enemy and collect from them too! And of course Barry and the white house approve of it! Traitors one and all!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 06:48:17 +0000

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