Once again, we wake up to the sad news of our innocent Muslim - TopicsExpress


Once again, we wake up to the sad news of our innocent Muslim brothers being arrested by the Australian authorities, their families being terrorized, their houses being raided, their freedoms being confiscated, their rights abused... This is becoming more than what a sane person can bare. We moved from the Arab countries back to the West, lured by the fake impression of freedom, deceived by the false image and propaganda they promote about human rights and individual freedom, only to get surprised that these countries are now becoming worse than most Arab countries back in the medieval days. These intelligence agencies are clearly abusing their authority, our privacies are now being violated by these authorities for no justified reason, our youth torn away from their families for no purpose, the sanctity of homes no longer exist, and we are all vulnerable to the threat of being arrested or raided simply for being a Muslim. It doesnt even matter now whether you have a beard or not. THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ALONG WITH ITS AUTHORITIES ARE CLEARLY ATTACKING ISLAM AND MUSLIMS!! The Australian government want to destroy Islam by any means, and they know that they cant do so by attacking it directly, so they resort to closing down Islamic centres, raiding Muslim houses, arresting active Muslim youth and preachers, intimidating Muslims, cancelling their passports, restricting their freedom, enforcing policies that aim to dividing the Muslim community, and creating a vibe of fear within the Australian community to make them afraid of Muslims, and therefore, they will face no opposition when it comes to passing these new terror laws or arresting innocent Muslims. They fool us with raising the terror alert to high only to justify their arrest and oppression of Muslims. They use the excuse of terrorism to launch a crazy indiscriminating assault against harmless youth who have done nothing wrong. This is something we must all understand. We must unite, scholars, Imams, community leaders, activists, student associations, organizations, and individuals to stand against this clear and obvious threat. Every Muslim is no longer safe. You are guilty until proved innocent.. and to Allah we complain. The Australian government is practising institutional terrorism. Its authorities are the real terrorists. We ask Allah to destroy those who plot against us, and to keep their harm away from us. Ya Allah look after your obedient servants and protect them from the harm of this government. Ya Allah this government and its authorities have felt safe from your punishment and therefore unleashed their wrath against the innocent harmless Muslims, O Allah so please deal with them according to your justice, and substitute them with others who are less harmful to your religion and its followers. Ya Allah please be with our brothers that are now facing their unjust measures, be with those who are in their prisons and undergoing their trials, keep them firm, protect them, grant their families patience and abundant rewards, and take their rights from those who oppressed them.. Ameen.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 22:42:16 +0000

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