Ondo state is about to employ 2000 teachers. Kudos to governor - TopicsExpress


Ondo state is about to employ 2000 teachers. Kudos to governor Mimiko. It is the right step taken in the right direction. Those teachers to be employed are those graduates with education certificates. Another right decision abi?........ How ever my grouse is this, how good are our teachers with the supposed certificates in education? ........So many will crucify me after reading this post of mine, but before doing that, kindly give this post a deeper reflection. Gone are the days of yore when our Colleges of education could boast of graduating teachers who we could beat our chest to give our students the best in class. What we have these days are English graduates who cannot even communicate correctly in the language. .......Mathematics teachers who cannot solve a simple equation. The entry requirement into our colleges of education is so poor, that one begins to wonder what the students actually have upstairs. A student going into a college of education needs just four credits (which most obtain from miracle centres), and with as low as a score of 140 (in some institutions) in JAMB. With all these combination, these students struggle through school, and eventually graduate to become teachers to our children. I stand to be corrected, but the truth is that the faculty of education even in our universities gets filled when faculties such as Clinical sciences, Law, Engineering etc, have been filled up with the best students. The left over seeking admission into these faculties,:but did not meet the admission requirements, are then used in filling up the different departments in the faculty of education. This write up is not in any way looking down at our education graduates, because indeed, we do have a few who have a passion for the job, and went straight for the profession rather than opting for it after trying several years at getting into other juicy? departments. I had course to be on an interview panel for a private school interviewing graduate teachers for mathematics. You can imagine my dismay when the two graduates tested, both with Bsc Maths edu certificates from two different prestigious universities in this country, had great difficulty answering the questions of the 2014 WAEC examination. Both performed woefully, with one having 17% and the other 30%.!..........I wonder how a teacher can give what he does not have! I may be wrong, but i am of the opinion that our orientation towards the teaching job needs to be completely changed. Our educational system can only get better when some of our best not only go into Medicine, Law, Accountancy, Engineering, Computer science et al, but also into Teaching. The entry requirement has GOT TO CHANGE. The level of development of any nation depends solely on education. Then and ONLY THEN can we have the change we desire.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:42:36 +0000

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