One and only post on the yes / no vote and it is only my opinion - TopicsExpress


One and only post on the yes / no vote and it is only my opinion and Im entitled to mine just as much as everyone else is so not looking for a barrage of responses from people who differ in theirs........Im not opposed to an independent Scotland and being from an English/Scottish family have loyalties to both however do take pride in my scottish roots and love this beautiful country we live in. However let me ask you a question..... If someone came to you and asked you to invest your life savings, home, and any other assets in a venture based on an idea, (picture yourself on dragons den as a dragon) and your potential investor is stood in front of you pitching an idea you would quite like the sound of, in fact it is very appealing in the outline in terms of the benefits and rewards and a very lovely picture is painted. But then when getting down to the nitty gritty and number crunching.... How much is it going to cost?? Whats the risk? How will we finance it? What will we lose? How long will it take to see a return? What happens if the proposed plan doesnt go as planned? .....all of these questions that you would ask before investing your life savings are going unanswered! Just a lot of waffle and going round the houses?! How frustrated would you be and how much credibility would you give to your proposed investor??? I certainly wouldnt invest?! Why would I risk everything on an ideal! I would wait for an investor to come along that could give me the answers and some proper facts and figures before I took the risk. Even a bank wont fund a business without a detailed and accurate business plan. I would love to see an independent Scotland and all the benefits that would bring however until someone can give definitive answers on how we will fund it other than we have water whiskey and oil! and the risks involved I will not jeopardise my families future and their defense, education and well being never mind my home, job and whole future. No vote!!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:10:47 +0000

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