One day ill look to this moment Ill think where did that time go - TopicsExpress


One day ill look to this moment Ill think where did that time go When Im older and my kids are all grown but for now Im gonna take the advice Ive often been given and enjoy this moment and live in it I can see the years flying by And my children grow I can see there foot steps As I try create a path for them to follow Pure fresh faces that bless my days Pure kind hearts forever changed my ways I am trying to better myself With every new day Fail and try again They give me the strength They are my wealth And the simplest things from a childs lips That makes you step back and think Wow ..... My heart strings just rip They have me open , like a well read book .... I melt like butter with one cheeky look I am their slave forever in this life I kneel at their feet And thank my lucky stars For these four little people managed to heal a lifetime of scars I cried the other day I think my six year old son read my mind Id had an ugly mirror morning And without warning he came and said mum you look just fine Your hair looks pretty and mum you really should smile I cried with a smile as big as my face Because his words meant more than any beauty dilemma or the size of my waist Its amazing to me how these little people just no Im up to my eye balls in debt To my children , for I could never repay what theyve given me A Life time of love In the simplest of memories So Ill follow where they wish to go And give them a soft shove if they walk to slow Steer them on course if they fall of the trail And pick up the pieces if ever it derails Point out the stars when they look to the night skys And with my hands wipe tears from their eyes My privilege to watch them Follow them And just be there The most important part is we are all together And theres no where Id rather be My bliss is right here With these four darlings in front of me ...
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 11:53:29 +0000

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