One day, the skies will tear. The seemingly impossible will happen - TopicsExpress


One day, the skies will tear. The seemingly impossible will happen as the clouds of heaven will be ripped apart to give way to its maker. This rift in the sky will be so evident and great that all flesh on the surface of the earth will see it. A great confusion will break out on earth because The carnal man will not understand it. From the White house to the Kremlin, there will go up strong cries of agony from the “christians” who realise that the Messiah has come for His Church and they were not counted in the number. Then suddenly, very suddenly, all those beautiful formidable excuses you present to your own self and to others as valid reasons why you cannot follow after the old rugged way of the cross in its fullness, SUDDENLY, all those reasons will lose validity and gravity before your own eyes as you are faced with the reality of an agonizingly painlFUL eternity. The devil has a plan for your life, whether you appreciate that fact or not, HE DOES. And you must understand that he’s an ancient schemer with a lot of techniques up his sleeve. A master or strategy and restrategy and this is why the Bible says; “by strength, shall no man prevail”. . .it is only by the knowledge that the spirit provides that you be able to overcome. Permit me to inform you, since you have decided to follow Christ and turn away from sin, the devil may not be out to drag you back into sin 100%. NO!!! He’s too clever for that! He wants to make you believe that you’re in a perfect standing with God, while he deceives you and takes away just about 0.00001% of your holiness, perhaps by just a single grudge in the heart, or an easily provoked spirit, or careless speaking against authority, because he knows that 99.9999% holiness is to God equivalent to 0%. And this why the bible warns; “. . .Be sober, Be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion. . .” Jesus said; ” The prince of this world cometh, but he hath nothing in me”. Do you have any property of the evil one in you or on you? This is a question that you must answer very truthfully. Because if you do, the devil has 100% legal claim over your head. If you’re truly reborn in the spirit, kindly put aside whatever you know or have been taught in the past and listen to Voice of The Spirit within you. That voice is more priceless than the voice of any preacher, pastor or teacher. YOU WILL STAND ALONE IN JUDGEMENT OH! Every man for himself. The bible says; “STRIVE TO ENTER!!!” This entails a conscious movement towards perfection. Or do you think it is possible for a man to be seriously competing for a Prize without even knowing he is in a competition? No! Heaven is not a place you accidentally stumble upon and say; “oh? So I made it here. Nawa oh!” It is a place you enter with many tears and scars! Check your bible, NO MAN EVER MADE IT SIPPING WINE! Everyone who made it paid for it in the currency of blood. And on the cross as Jesus died, to open this way of redemption for us, picture the cross, did it look like Jesus was smiling up there? And Paul, and James, and John, and Steven, and Phillip, and Thomas, and Matthew, and Peter, and so on. Did any of these men enter those gates eating suya? No Sir! And if we must make it as well, we MUST follow the trail they blazed. In striving, one endures hardness, ones endure mockery, one ENDURES! Anyone who teaches a way other than this, even if it be an angel, the bible says in Galatians 1:8 “LET HIM BE ACCURSED!” and as for the issue of Power, Power is just a by-product of the presence of God. This is very necessary for victorious christian living, but if you want it, read this note again, live it, pray without ceasing and persevere. These are the keys to the demonstration of God’s power; Life, Word and Prayer. I do not lack utterance, I could go on and on, but let me just stop here. If the Spirit does not explain to the hearts of Men, words of human wisdom cannot do any work. I now commit the reader of these words into the hands of Jesus who is able to keep us from falling and to present us unblamable unto the Father at his appearing. Unto him be glory and honour, forever and ever, world without end. Amen Shalom!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:13:25 +0000

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