One of the amazing things about animals is their lifestyles. They - TopicsExpress


One of the amazing things about animals is their lifestyles. They are so simple and they do what they are created to do and they live how they are created to live. Within their ability and their means. Human beings cause friction for themselves in all they do. What I mean by this is where we go to classes or do studies to learn about things we should know about ourselves...animals know the most advanced studies of anatomy, life, and the body all on their own. They function with nature as one more then we do. They know more and are more in tune with their connection to the earth, they skies, and even the heavenly father then us. This is because they dont learn through their own devices. They dont have to think around they chaos that mans self aware superiority has created and connected to everything in life. Where we study through books and devices of man to get understanding they already know this. We complicate things and block out the simplest forms and beings of nature within in us and around us...too busy trying to be excellent to the flow of man and the mess that is now the society they have all tried to credit to themselves. Its a god complex that man has...we stay confined in angles of the human mind. The other day I was holding a my hand out. I told my acquaintance to look at my hand. notice that my thumb moves. That movement is somehow connected to something else going on outside of you and and inside of you. Look at the cracks in my skin. Now think about all the different things of existence that could be connected to those very few things. Think about how they work within you. Now think about how those things are connected to the rest of the world. If you can understand this then you can truly see how useless and chaotic to the natural flow of life and nature really is around you. You will notice that Man has caused themselves to become lost in their own thoughts of greatness and created there own standard...leaving the simplicity and beauty of Gods behind. Animals are more advanced in what counts in life a million times more then human beings. You will notice in the bible the Lords respect for them and the prophets and writers respect for them among themselves as well. You really have to study the bible to learn the truth about the relationship between man, animal, and nature. animals are in tune with themselves more then us because they have no need for the things we have created ourselves to think we need, or think is greatness in this world. Think about my hand analogy. They are experts in their own body and know way earlier in their own years the connections to everything inside of them and to everything around them then we do because they spend time knowing themselves natural on that level instead of participating in society and getting lost within the social standards mans arrogance has created and confused themselves in. The things we learn about ourselves in college and other higher education are so basic to them that in our thirties and fifties even we are still becoming one with ourselves and learning these things while animals are seasoned veterans to the wisdom of the body, mind, and spirit. Where a claw is something to kill with to a child a claw has a personal relationship in all sorts of subject in life to the baby animal who spends his time properly appreciating and not taking for granted the gifs of life from god. The claw and every other body part is a fine tuned weapon, friend, tool, and sometimes even comfort to an animal...where to us...its mostly just something to use for advancing or own direction and desires to serve ourselves for the sake of social standard and comfort in society. There is truly nothing greater about man then animal.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 23:08:22 +0000

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