One of the experiences I havent written about is how much Im - TopicsExpress


One of the experiences I havent written about is how much Im imitated at work. I wasnt sure how to talk about it without it seem like Im bragging, but it is what is. There is a Mexican cook who mocks me every chance he gets and its hilarious from his make shift bow tie (made out of paper) to how he imitates my greeting. Then there is one young man who is about 19 now who really studies me. He comes from the kitchen every so often to work up front and he tries to greet the guest like and it always made smile and feel good inside. Today, however he had to work solely upfront. He was very nervous as he had to where a tie and hadnt worn a tie since middle school. That made me stop and think how I knew how to tie a tie since probably the age of 10 and its second nature to me. I stopped what I was doing and told him brother to brother that he looked handsome and he smiled with almost a sigh of relief like he passed a test. Then throughout the day, he would try his best to be bold and charismatic on the mic and I just really stopped to listen as how much of me he tries to imitate. He has watched me pass out encouragement cards, keep change for customers to help with their bill and fist bump/high 5 in the drive and he wants to be apart of those elements. We talked about wardrobe and he mention how he has no dress shirt, shoes, suit or tie in his collection. I jokingly said we need to go shopping and then I was immediately reminded about what do i have that I can bless him with. So, with the Lords help Im gonna figure what I can sow into his life and Im honored to have the chance to do so. I am grateful to be a positive influence and whatever I can do to plant seeds of positivity in his life, I will do. So, just wanted to share that cause its been a blessing to me today.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 20:45:18 +0000

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