One of the irony & tragedy of our country is presence of dozen of - TopicsExpress


One of the irony & tragedy of our country is presence of dozen of paid journalists and anchors who have mastered in twisting the reality and spreading the confusion. When they can not find any room of criticism in the powerful, crystal clear and strong message of Dr Qadri they start beating around the bushes by bringing non issues in limelight. Walk around the streets and ask common people of Pakistan. What is their issue? Dual Nationality of Dr Qadri or corruption of ruling elite. What is worse being dual national or looting people money in trillions and investing it outside while keeping themselves in power. These blind critics does not see the services of Dr Qadri and his organisation in Pakistan in the field of education and social welfare for more than three decades. They do not want to mentioned that both of his sons after completing PHD from prestigious international universities are living in Pakisan and serving the nation. They do not highlight that despite establishing a world wide set up of his organisation with hundreds of education centres worth to billions of dollars Dr Qadri has only one kanal house in his name on whole earth. And why would they do so? they are on payroll of thier corrupt masters and will dance on their signal and repeat like a parrot what they tell them to say. How unfortunate are we Pakistani who have elevated these kind of people to the status of opinion maker!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 21:31:44 +0000

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