Online date website About me section disclaimer: If youre - TopicsExpress


Online date website About me section disclaimer: If youre reading this chances are that you are most likely judging me based off of the pictures I display on my profile, and not to mention, all of what I put into this, tiny little box. Rather you are willing to accept it or not, you are forming all of your opinions and assumptions based on the previously mentioned things. Lets just face it, it is a basic survival skill, and a sense of security. However I would lead to debate, and prove that nothing that I put in here will meet the preset requirements and or preconceived notions of your general standards for a boyfriend or husband, for that matter. I base this statement off of the following reason; (Since such traits and characteristics that you want out of a man, that you desire and require cannot fully or really be recognized or acknowledged until the basis of a meeting or date, then all of this messaging back and forth in an effort to get to know a man, really is quite trivial, useless and most often a waste of time for both parties involved.) Now based on such logic any man can put anything that he wants in here, and tell you everything he knows that you want to hear. However this doesnt make it true, and even if it is true, the things that I put in here doesnt solely define me as the person that I am today. I could tell you absolutely anything and everything that you would like to know about me and my past. I am not afraid of that. It is your role as sensible, and knowledge woman to love, trust, and accept such things. I dont cling to my past but in reality 99.99% of women will want to know about me and all or most of what I have been through. However when you ask about such things that happened in my life, and I present them in full honesty, do not be shocked, surprised, or turned away by such a bold, and honest display of such a reality, instead be strong or move on to the next man. As I can tell you I will accept you for you and the struggles that youve been through. Lets just face it we all have struggles, weaknesses, imperfections, and self perceived faults. Thats life and it shapes us into who we are now, and where we are going. If you dont fully understand the point that I am trying to make or imply by such previously mentioned statements, then I in all honesty hold no interest in getting to know you.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 22:45:31 +0000

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