Ontario has wasted billions of public dollars pretending to - TopicsExpress


Ontario has wasted billions of public dollars pretending to eliminate its use of coal to produce electricity by creating a multi-billion-dollar wind and solar power boondoggle that will only last as long as the massive public subsidies and inflated hydro bills needed to sustain it do. In reality, both wind and solar power supply an insignificant and unneeded amount of unreliable power to Ontario’s electricity grid. The real way Ontario eliminated its reliance on coal was through the increased use of nuclear and natural gas-fired electricity, nuclear power being greenhouse gas emissions free and gas-fired power emitting greenhouse gases at half the rate of coal when burned. The final idiocy of what the Liberals did is that their new natural gas plants will do double duty backing up wind and solar power, since they have to be supported by fossil fuel energy because they’re so unreliable. sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/straighttalk/archives/2014/09/20140907-075240.html
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 21:03:37 +0000

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