Open Letter To The Military OPEN LETTER ---- We The People To The - TopicsExpress


Open Letter To The Military OPEN LETTER ---- We The People To The Military I Destry Payne from Michigan a Free and Independent Nation=State demand to see our military act under oath to We THE People to stand up and back your brothers, sisters, friends and family in doing what is right for our beloved country. The orders have been issued and are to be enforced immediately. You are not bound to serve a corporation, you are bound to serve the people and protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic. Our only enemy is domestic. End the tyranny now! Destry Open Letter To Chairman Dempsey To Chairman Dempsey of the Joint Chiefs of Staff I know you are a very busy man and carry a lot of responsibility. I will be as brief as possible. Having spent time in the U S Navy (1967-1971), when many of my peers were going to Canada, I took my oath, very seriously “ to uphold and defend the United States of America”. I understood, I not only had an obligation, but also a duty to defend my country with all the respect for those who were deployed before me and many never returned to their homeland they were sent to defend. I pray that you took your oath as to “so help me God” as seriously, to know the creator has all authority over mans’ statutes, and God’s Law is supreme.“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ,” We THE People. I, for one of many, have never knowingly given my consent to be governed by the Corporate United States = private contractor. I would contend that we are a Republic, to be governed by elected representatives, doing the will of the people, intent on upholding and defending the country “against all foreign and domestic invasion”. We must stand together to throw off the chains of power and corruption that prevents our great country from being that “ Beacon unto the World” as a shining and virtuous example that our nation was founded upon and intended to be. Respectfully, one of many “We THE People”, Jonathan E. Lewis
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:32:32 +0000

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