Open Letter to Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, - TopicsExpress


Open Letter to Her Excellency President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, -President of Liberia Subject: Help Prevent War By Doing The Right Thing Dear President Sirleaf, I bring you greetings from Operation We Care for Liberia (OWCL), and wish you well especially as Liberia continued to experience a serious health crisis. I ask God to provide the needed guidance to you so that resources that are currently left untouched in Liberia will be protected. I ask that the Good Old Lord also protect our people from the deadly Ebola virus. Your Excellency, I am aware that you’ve never considered me your supporter, and may not do so for a very long time, at lest not while I continue to advocate for the establishment of a Liberian War Crimes Court. I know that the idea of a War Crimes Court for Liberia terrifies you and makes it difficult for you to give credence to other unrelated war crimes suggestions I may have in the interest of the Liberian people. But for the good of us all Your Excellency, a dear friend of yours (Mr. TQ Harris Jr.) has urged me to write to you for the sake of your people, our people, the Liberian people, and humanity. At first I resisted Mr. Harris’s request on grounds that you would perceive any letter from me as a complete deceit. My reason for resisting was, and is very simple. Your administration has categorized me as “this huge Goliath S. Lucifer” that is walking around on Facebook demonizing you day by day. However the case, my intuition tells me I should not underestimate my feelings but go right ahead and make my appeal, which may or may not be worthy in your eyes at all. Your Excellency, I am sure you are aware by now that the answer to Liberia’s problem is currently in your hands. You are this one person in Liberia, who can prevent another war that may most likely bring Liberia to its knees once again, if only you make the right decision right now. And I am positively sure that you very well know what’s best for Liberia at this moment. The same way the Ebola virus could have been prevented when it first started in the Republic of Guinea, another civil war in Liberia can be prevented if only you listen to cries of your people now. I could be wrong, but I just have the feelings that the Liberian people actually want you to step down, Your Excellency. Should you risk every gain you have made so far only to pay a horrible price that could have been prevented? However worthy your ego may be, is it worth to die for something you once advocated against, something you know is just too wrong? Even though your government has demonized me because of what I stand for, I still know that deep within your belly, you know that I have always told your administration the truth. I am sure you are also aware that unlike the route you and Charles Taylor took in the late nineties, I have deliberately shunned the path of violence and war, which I see to be unnecessary away… This in my view, I am sure you know is an honorable thing to do. However, I want you to know that there aren’t many people out there like me. There may be others who do not have the time and patience to follow my path, and they may choose to emulate the path you and Mr. Taylor once took which in my view will return Liberia to business as usual. You can help prevent them; you can help prevent this from happening by listening to the voice of your people right now, Madam President. Lastly, it is my desire, that you listen to my appeal because I know the method of war has not been successful in solving Liberia’s Problem so far, and you know I am right. Any way, I anticipate your forgiveness, if I have erred in writing to you especially at this time when you are having sleepless nights. I hope to hear on the News that you have done the right thing at this crucial moment in the history of Liberia, and not the other way around. God bless the Liberian people. Bernard Gbayee Goah President, Operation We Care for Liberia 503-292-2622
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:06:32 +0000

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