Opeyemi oloyede: Please admin,kindly help me post this - TopicsExpress


Opeyemi oloyede: Please admin,kindly help me post this inspirational motivational writing so that those who are depressed can emotionally,psychologically and the rests will read it and be blesses,thank you Thoughts For The Week - Dealing With Unexpected Difficulties Sometime in our lives we all have to deal with unexpected difficulties and just because we are believers, just because we are good people, doing the right things, won’t exempt us from trouble. The Scripture says the rain falls on the just and the unjust, in this times when something unexpected has happened, you lost your job, you didn’t make it through in the examination, got a bad medical report or you lost a loved one etc. When you find yourself facing such crisis, it is easy to panic and fall all apart but you have to realize that that crisis is not a surprise to God, it may be unexpected to us but God knows the end from the beginning, God has solutions to problems we haven’t even had and God would not have allowed the difficulty unless He had a divine purpose for it. You need to remind yourself that you are in a controlled environment thinking that your circumstances are out of control but the creator of the universe is in complete control. He has you in the palm of His hand, nothing can happen to you without God’s permission in fact God is even in control of our enemies. We read in the book of Exodus 9 how God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and not let His people go, remember that God caused him to be difficult, why was that? So that God could show His power in extraordinary ways. In Mathew 13 Jesus told a parable about a man that went out to his field and planted wheat in the ground, he sowed good seeds, this represents he was doing the right thing, honoring God, being good to others but verse 25 says while he slept an enemy came in and planted darnel (weeds resembling wheat) in his soil, the man was asleep he didn’t know what happened, he was expecting to have a great harvest of wheat, he had done the right thing, he had sown the right seeds but when it came time for harvest, all of a sudden the darnel (weeds) sprung up among his wheat. Anytime you are doing the right thing, living a life of honoring God, doing your best each day don’t be surprised to find some weeds among your wheat, it doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. It is one thing to know you are sowing bad seed; compromising, not living right, you can expect to reap an adversity that is no big surprise but what about this man? When you are doing the right thing, sowing the right seed you look in your field and you see weeds popping up that you didn’t plant, that doesn’t seem fair. The servant said to this farmer ‘where did these weeds come from? We saw you, we know you sowed good seeds’ the farmer said ‘The enemy has come in and sown this destructive seeds.’ It is interesting to know that when the wheat was ready for harvest, the weeds popped up unexpectedly or suddenly and this tells me when we are close to our victory, when we are on the verge of our greatest accomplishment,our greatest breakthrough, when we are about to go to the greatest harvest season that is when the unexpected challenges will pop up to try to keep us from moving forward. This parable ends with the workers asking the farmer ‘should we go out and pull up the weeds? The farmer says ‘No! Just wait and at the right (harvest) time the weeds will be destroyed’. That is what God is saying to us the weeds that pop up, the unexpected difficulties, you don’t have to fight those battles, don’t spend your life trying to pull up all the weeds, fix everything in your own strength, if you do that you will end up destroying the harvest when you are trying to destroy the weed, just wait and let God take care of it for you. God knows how to fight your battles, God knows how to make your wrongs right, God knows which doors need to be opened, the people that need to be moved out of the way so you can get to where you are supposed to be. The enemy may have some sown seeds or weeds into your life but know that if it had not been for the weed you may not have made it to your divine destiny. We have heard the saying bad things happen to good people. That is true but it is also true that good people overcome bad things and come out better off than they were before. God is going to turn your test into a testimony. That difficulty that you think is so bad it is not working against you it is working for you. The creator of the universe is going to use it to your advantage. Weeds may have popped up in your field today but don’t be discouraged rather be encouraged. That trouble is a sure sign that God has something amazing in your future. Yes the enemy may have brought unexpected trouble but remember our God has unexpected favor, unexpected breakthrough, unexpected promotion and He will bring you out better, stronger than ever before..........THANKS
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 18:59:28 +0000

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