Opinion on the missing malaysian airline: With the advancement - TopicsExpress


Opinion on the missing malaysian airline: With the advancement on science, technologies and high end communication ports such as satellites, radars, dopplers etc. I guess it is unlikely to believe until now that there is no such probable proofs on what has happened and where is the exact location of the missing plane after 17 days since march 8. Is it possible that; 1. The plane continued flying without radar and is possibly intact even all its passengers and landed safely somewhere around the world where no communication lines is present like antartic, atlantic, high mountain ranges etc or the plane it self has no fuel or electricity to function? 2. It is hijacked? (but no one claims responsible for it as of the moment) 3. A black hole somewhere is present or such like magnetic field warped the missing plane? (due to insufficient proofs of debris from it) 4. Another seems like a bermuda triangle is present on another place? (due to past histories of vessels and planes lost discreetly) 5. The plane is not really located either somewhere gulf of thailand or the indian ocean? (because all advance satellites from big countries cannot locate it precisely and oil leaks floating should be found now) 6. The plane blown up in the air due to engine failure? (but a little bit not possible because no distress call was called that time and no debris and oil traces found until now) 7. That the 2 stolen passports are only a leeway to make a story far from the real happenings and mislead everyone? 8. That there are classified informations and datas found by all high rank scientist and officials not told to the public that might cause catastrophic events leading to panic on all people all over the world that might happen. Its a little bit hard to think that due to advancement, it is too impossible to find a huge plane for 17 days missing where all the families of all the passengers on that flight is very sad, grieving and in search for answers. Prayers for all. Everything has a reason. May the Almighty God guide all volunteers in search for answers to locate the said missing plane.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:48:18 +0000

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