Other than making a few comments on friends’ posts and the - TopicsExpress


Other than making a few comments on friends’ posts and the little button on my profile pic, I’ve not said too much on FB about the Scottish referendum. Given the big day is almost here though I wanted to have a quiet word with the ‘undecided’. If you are yet to come to a decision then the Yes camp has failed to convince you that Scotland should go it alone. Similarly, the Better Together team hasn’t quite sold you on Independence being such a terrible threat. The propaganda flying around from both camps has failed to sway you (and I congratulate you for that). But I’d like you to consider a few things: 1. If things were really so bad already, shouldn’t it have been a simple decision to say ‘Yes’ straight away? 2. By simply holding this referendum Scotland has already been guaranteed more powers. You’ve already won, without taking any of the risk. 3. Alex Salmond has milked the phrases ‘once in a generation’ and even ‘once in a lifetime’ throughout his campaign. Sounds serious until you realise his definition of a generation is actually only 10 to 15 years (apparently that’s a ‘political generation’). If you’re not sure which way to vote now, why not just mull it over until the next time and let all parts of the UK continue to recover. To agree to something that could have life-changing consequences for so many, you really need to be certain. If you can’t honestly say you are, then cash in the winnings you’ve already made and put a cross next to ‘No’. Whatever the outcome, I hope everyone in Scotland can respect the choices that others have made. And whatever the overall decision, remember that it has been the choice of the Scottish ‘residents’ and NOT the Scottish ‘people’ as there are a heck of a lot of the latter living outside of Scotland that are having to sit back and watch their roots, heritage and identity being challenged with no way of defending themselves. Thanks for listening/reading. I now climb down from my soapbox.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 20:48:57 +0000

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