Our Chapter President, Stephen Thomas is sharing career advice on - TopicsExpress


Our Chapter President, Stephen Thomas is sharing career advice on his new blog chicagocareerdoctor . Here is his most recent post: Day 128 June 23 Do you have a financial or professional cutoff point? Is there a title or dollar sign that represents the point at which you have arrived at your destination? Do you need to have one? Does age or marital status factor in at all? If you don’t have a destination in mind; then you cannot arrive. You may be there now, and not even know it.” I am on a quest. My mission is to become more promotable in a calendar year. While I cannot celebrate progress just yet; I can say that I am 1000 percent more cognizant of every interaction; every opportunity to have my brand critiqued; than I was before I started. I am aware of every opportunity that I’ve given someone to judge and rate my brand. We are witnessing the birth and takeoff of Gen 9. Generation 9 is kids that have witnessed 1 or more parents being laid off or having their positions eliminated. They have watched their parents pick up and move several times in order to stay employed. This phenomenon has led to more and more employees job hopping, and adopting an “I’ll get you before you get me” mentality. It has, in some cases, made our professional game of chess more closely resemble a game of Monopoly. Employees find themselves chasing dollars, and not longevity. Their loyalty is to their checking and savings accounts. Is there something wrong with this? Yes, there is. First, companies like loyal workers. If you are constantly chasing the next financial windfall; then you will not be loyal. Second, companies desire both chemistry and stability. If they sense that you are in it for the “short haul;” you probably won’t be hired. Finally, your resume should be a masterpiece on the level of Michelangelo. It should be lined up with strategic moves, and make good sense. It should tell a story about who you are and where you are going. A resume full of money promotions cannot do that. At the end of the day, the choice is all yours. But your best bet for having a “next step’’ is to chase money without everyone knowing you are. If your “game” is obvious; then your chances of receiving a phone call are slim and none. If you have any questions for Steve feel free to comment on his blog or email him at chicagocareertransitions@yahoo .
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:13:37 +0000

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