Our David Letterman Inspired Top 10 Reasons to Swith to LED - TopicsExpress


Our David Letterman Inspired Top 10 Reasons to Swith to LED Lighting Need 10 Good Reasons to Switch to LED Bulbs”? Whenever the Late Show With David Letterman lines up its Top 10 lists, people tend to sit up and take notice because #1) they’re funny and #2) they tend to make a point about some things that are happening in the news cycle. Sometimes the Top 10 list makes fun with a tongue-in-cheek nod to a guest host or special guest. At other times the Top 10 list simply throws a few good jokes at the screen to see which one’s stick. Top 10 Lists can be instructive even as they make us laugh. So in order to have a little fun with the process we’re going to have some fun while giving you the top 10 list for buying LED bulbs. Just keep an eye out for the facts as we laugh along. 10 Good Reasons to Switch to LED Light Bulbs #10 That cartoon picture of a standard bulb over your head never really looked like a good idea anyway. Ever wondered why the symbol for a good idea was a standard light bulb over the top of your head? Well, standard incandescent light bulbs really were good idea from the start because Thomas Edison was a pretty smart guy. But he wasn’t the last person to come up with a good lighting solution, and LED light bulbs are proving themselves by saving money electricity over standard incandescent bulbs. #9 I’d look really good with a set of those swirly LED light bulbs in either ear. Well, if you choose to go around looking like a robot or a Martian with curly cue light bulbs in your ears, that’s you’re business. But you also ought to know there are literally dozens of varieties and types of LED light bulbs available to accessorize your outfit. So go crazy. If you want a really nice effect, try these LED Holiday lighting for special effect. By the way, these are all recommended good looks for the annual office party. #8 IF LED bulbs last forever I’ll never have to get my lazy butt up off the couch to turn off the lights. Ever. We admit that LED bulbs really do last a long time (up to 50,000 hours in some models) they also save a ton of electricity over standard incandescent bulbs. So while it’s tempting to park it on the couch and leave all your lights on, we think you might snooze better if the room weren’t bathed in perfect, clean light. From a business standpoint, there are many commercial situations where the lights are either required or recommended to be left on at all hours. LED bulbs save you big money in those circumstances because they use approximately 10% of the electricity burned by standard lighting. #7 I’m worried about my carbon footprint because honestly, I have really big feet. Actually, your carbon footprint is a measure of how much electricity and other consumable energy you use on a yearly basis. LED light bulbs instantly help you reduce your carbon footprint no matter what your actual shoe size. The carbon footprint for a business can be pretty large, and that is why companies are being rewarded by their power companies in many states to reduce electricity usage by offering incentives and even subsidies to convert your commercial or industrial property to energy-efficient lighting. LED Ultra Grow Light Bulb #6 LED bulbs grow on you LED Grow Bulbs grow lush vegetable, flowers, and plants with nothing more than a little spit and some love. But the rest of us need all the help we can get, and for those who want to save on energy costs, switching to LED grow light bulbs is the perfect solution! #5 LED bulbs know how to party You heard that right. There are LED bulbs for Christmas Lighting, Halloween Lighting, St. Patrick’s Day, Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, Wedding lights, Color-Rite LED lights for special occasions and party lighting accessories as well. #4 You can feel a lot less guilty about your impact on the world In these days of rising energy costs, dire warnings of global warming, and activists prompting people to save energy and save the environment, many people are wondering what they can do to conserve energy. But few know where to start and what they can do to help. Well, one of the easiest things you can do is making the switch to LED lamps. Who knew that something as simple as changing a light bulb could help change the future? There aren’t many easy ways for companies to save money while doing something good for the earth. It doesn’t hurt you one bit to join this part of the green revolution. In fact, most companies save the cost of their conversion to energy-efficient lighting in the first two years of usage. After that, everything you save goes back toward your bottom line. Now that’s the green you like to hear about! #3 LED bulbs teach you it’s okay to be a lightweight LED lamps use only 3-13 watts for a light output equivalent to a 75-100 watt incandescent bulb. That’s like the difference between eating a carrot and snarfing down a handful of Fritos. #2 LED light bulbs are as diverse as America, without the partisanship LED lamps have come a long way from the initial LED lamps. There are now LED dimmable bulbs, grow bulbs, LED floodlights, can lights, and LED appliance lights. And, LED floodlights, while low on energy consumption, are high on light output. These powerful LED floodlights are bright enough to illuminate your entire yard, warding off critters and prowlers alike. The same goes for facilities management and safety lighting at your place of business. LED bulbs do the job even better than standard lighting, and at less cost. #1 Reason to Buy LED bulbs for your home or business…. It’s easy and simple to use LED lighting. It fits most standard lighting fixtures and qualifies for state and federal energy rebates and tax subsidy deductions! That means you can purchase lighting and either get your money back in subsidies in many states, and receive a tax deduction to boot!* Whew, this last reason is chock full of reasons to buy LED bulbs. Because whether you’re lighting your home or business, cost savings are important and reduced electricity use really counts.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:40:41 +0000

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