Our Father who art in heaven, we bless, thankful and glorify Your - TopicsExpress


Our Father who art in heaven, we bless, thankful and glorify Your name because of abundant mercies and loving kindness, we have lived to see today. Thank You for the gift of today. Sustain us according to your promise. Do not let our hopes be dashed. Dethrone the wicked who have assumed positions into our lives, throw their evil plots into disarray. Guide, protect and deliver us from the hand of oppression and lead us into the Promised Land. Bless and reach the children Lord, destroy the spirit of rebelliousness in them but sow a seed of obedience. Restore and bind broken families that they be responsible parents and guardians into the childrens lives. Heal and restore the sick. Bless and leadeth the powers that be in every institution and sow a seed of love into their hearts that they do your will Father. Give us today our daily bread. Lead us not into temptation. Clear the path before us. Bless those going for interviews, give strength to those in need of employment. Comfort those who are mourning esp the Mandela family.As they mourn may they remember that its you that gives and you that takes again. We thank u for Madibhas life lord and for all our departed loved ones. Father, we scattered world over, bind us with your love. Let your mercies and love reign. Father, we ask for protection, put away deceitful tongue, rebuke us as we pace through this day. All we ask in Jesus Name........
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:26:33 +0000

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