Our Major Media, Broadcast, and Press is Owned by Liberals and - TopicsExpress


Our Major Media, Broadcast, and Press is Owned by Liberals and they promote ONLY that which does not Cast a Bad Light upon anyone who is a Liberal!? They Praise Liberal Actions and Condemn Conservative Actions! As you will hear, the average American is UNAWARE we have an American Warrior being held captive by the Taliban for over four years as the Media covers up or FAILS to SHARE such NEWS with the General Public and for, People kept ignorant is good policy for the Politically Corrupt, especially the US Government!!! If you want answers on anything and want the absolute truth, you will have to research it through various medias with the Internet being the best as you cam compare all the stories back to back an find any in indiscretions amongst the lot and figure where lies the truth with the majority agreeing on the same points of an issue! Just like the Days of Keeping Women, Barefoot, Pregnant, and within the Confines of the Home… It was man’s way of keeping their women out of their affairs and ignorant as to what I going on out in the world, as it was a Man’s World or so they use to say, but at home many Men knew Differently! Our Government, especially our Liberal Socialist government wants to keep the American People in the Dark as Much as Possible and for as Long as Possible, giving them the opportunity to work on committing Treason by Corruptly Dissolving our US Constitutional Republic! My Congressman Favors his self as a Champion of Our American Military and its Personnel, yet you Do Not Hear Him Making Any Waves about how our Gov’t is or is not handling this particular situation, or announcing to his Constituents and General Public about our very own American Soldier being a POW held by the Taliban!!! The American People have but their own Religious Beliefs to rely upon to get them through these Trying Times,! Our Government Can’t Be Relied Upon for the Very Fact, Our Country’s Present Grim Situation of Near Total Economic Collapse is Perpetrated Directly by Our Gov’t, their Intentional Assault Upon the American People who Refuse to Succumb to the “Progressive Movement”, in short, Socialism!!! Pick/***** From: Patty Hopper Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 1:13 PM Subject: Fox 29 Philadelphia comes through for Bowe Fox 29 Philadelphia comes through for Bowe Below link to their news video which will be aired all weekend on their news broadcast and web site: myfoxphilly/video?clipId=9040090&autoStart=true
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 23:14:10 +0000

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