Our Problems Not Illegals, Its The Morality Border Between Good & - TopicsExpress


Our Problems Not Illegals, Its The Morality Border Between Good & Evil Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – What is shocking now is just the normalcy of stating to anyone: Yeah, I’m a single mom. No big deal. We’re doing all right. You’re thinking, number one: Where’s the dad? Where are all these dads? Where are these young fellows out there? You can’t just blame this on the girls. As a matter of fact, I would say it is more the fault of the young men. How are we raising entire generations of young men that do not feel the tug of parental responsibility when they are the ones that pulled the trigger, so to speak, and equally participated in the awesome power of creating and bringing a new life into the world? Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: Patrick J. Buchanan wrote this last week. I never got to it but it’s still relevant today. [reading] The real issue: Will America remain one nation, or are we on the road to Balkanization and the breakup of America into ethnic enclaves? For, as Ronald Reagan said, a nation that cannot control its borders isn’t really a nation anymore…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The father is the center of the familial unit, as it was intended. No, I am not demeaning, I am not knocking down the value of the mother. That’s not the point. Save it. Folks, this is a human generational tragedy of epic, and I would say unknown, proportions in the history of mankind. Yet we’re obsessing over whether or not we ought to be bossing Ukraine or Russia or Yemen about and ordering them about the entire planet. Where do we get the moral authority to tell anyone to do anything? Not that we’re unique in this demonic, sinful existence that we currently are so boastful and proud of. So, Buchanan is onto something, but I think that until enough of us are willing to risk public reputation, which will be seriously in jeopardy here, to call into mind our tragic moral state of affairs, and to demand -- there’s no policy, other than policy that makes it permissive, there’s no policy prescription here. There is only a spiritual prescription. That’s it. You can think that the era of man and our genius and science and we can solve all these problems. Why do they seem to then be compounding themselves if that’s the case? Science keeps advancing, yet illegitimacy rates keep going up. The amount of poor and impoverished continues to increase. The amount of those locked up and incarcerated in our jails are up. The measurable education levels of children continues to slowly erode and decline. There’s no indication that the infatuation with man as god or government as god has borne anything other than rotten fruit. So why don’t we stop it? Why don’t we stop it? That’s the great desideratum of our day. It’s not a political one; it’s one of spirit.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:40:12 +0000

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