Our Puranas speak that everything in this UNIVERSE has come out - TopicsExpress


Our Puranas speak that everything in this UNIVERSE has come out from the Body of the GOD the Creator. We need not go into details in this, for the present Birth and Death are the two ends of a Materials. In a circle, if it starts from Birth, it ends with Death. Earth gets stimulates by the effect of SURYA, whereas by the effects of MOON, it gets peaceful and cools down. RAHU shadows EARTH, and KETU shadows MOON. The Drastic exposure from both RAHU & KETU, brings-in the DEATH of a HUMAN The maintenance of EQUILIBRIUM of VAAT, PITTA, & KAPHA, and failures in these 3-DOSHAS, are the root cause of HEALTH failure, according to AYURVED. Whereas, the alternative NET preaches that Mind is responsible for good and bad of HEALTH. Also, if internal Stamina OR Energy is lost, deterioration of Good Health starts. Naturopathy tells that we should have Balance of Nutrition. It is also said that superfluous diet, sleep, a waking, too much of labour, become the root cause for the debilitation. All these are Branches of the same Science. NAVRAS, PANCH TATVAS, PLANCETS, STARS, SEASONS, GEMS, MINERALS & METALS, have their own effect on the Human SYSTEM.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:25:35 +0000

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