Our family is honored Madelyn was chosen as the 2014 Very Special - TopicsExpress


Our family is honored Madelyn was chosen as the 2014 Very Special Miss Louisiana Ambassador for TARC. Not only does it give us an opportunity to show everyone what a beautiful and special child she is, it also allows us to help an organization that has helped our family, and many other families, over the years. Madelyn was an unexpected, special surprise. She is truly a gift from God. When I was pregnant with Madelyn, we did not know she would be born with Down’s syndrome. My doctor noticed something, that didn’t look quite right on an ultrasound, so she referred me to specialists. After several visits to specialists who would evaluate the ultrasounds with more advanced equipment, they felt I did not need to return because she seemed to be developing normally. I opted not to do an amniocentesis. We knew we would want and love this child no matter what. Up until Madelyn was born, we had kind of forgotten that we had had any problems in the beginning. I was no longer seeing specialists and Madelyn was developing right on target. The day Madelyn was born was when we found out she has Down’s syndrome. She looked so perfect and healthy and just that quickly our plans for her future changed. So many different scenarios go through your mind. We did not feel sorry for ourselves but we were very concerned about what kind of future Madelyn would have to face. While in the hospital, our family was bombarded with different avenues of help and assistance. One very important arrangement we had made before having Madelyn was enrolling her and her brother, Matthew, at Kids R Us daycare. Kids R Us was affiliated with TARC at the time. We thought it would be and ideal environment for Madelyn and Matthew to learn and play. Kids R Us would expose them to children with special needs and they would learn not to treat these children any differently than other children. We had no idea, at the time we would have a child with special needs. Our family has always supported TARC. We have had friends through the years that have relied on their services. Madelyn’s father, Michael, belongs to a non-profit organization, the Hammond Knights Foundation (HK Foundation), which makes donations to TARC as well as other children’s organizations. Never did we imagine we would need their services. Madelyn began receiving services from TARC’s Early Intervention Program when she was four weeks old. She continues to receive services from TARC today. If TARC is not able to assist you with a particular service, they will direct you to an agency that can assist you. When we could not depend on any other agency, TARC has always come through for us. When Madelyn was in the Early Intervention Program, her instructors helped her reach milestones that would have taken years with out their help. For the last ten years, TARC has made resources available to us that help her with her everyday needs. It is very important that our community continue to support TARC and all of their wonderful services. Our family never imagined we would need TARC. You never know when your child, niece, nephew, cousin, friend etc. may need their services. Continued support is also important. Even when you or a loved one’s services end, continued support helps TARC remain viable in the community. Madelyn is such a joy to us. She is now 10 years old and attends natalbany elementary. Her presence has such a positive influence on everyone she encounters. Madelyn has two older brothers. Michael, Jr. and Matthew. Madelyn means the world to them, they love her so much. The feeling is mutual. She lights up when they play with her. (Especially baseball) They both show much love and concern for her. Madelyn is special in so many ways. We don’t know what we did to deserve such a special person, but we thank God for her everyday. There is not a thing about her we would change. Everyday we are faced with a different challenge and everyday she makes new accomplishments. TARC has helped us with these accomplishments. We are so proud to have been able to support TARC in the past, and we are even more proud to have our daughter represent them. Thank you TARC. Michael Sr., Laura, Michael Jr., Matthew & Madelyn Latino
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:58:04 +0000

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