Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. Our nation is - TopicsExpress


Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. Our nation is falling. Our hopes seem bleek and soon it will all perish. How is it that 40 years ago this would have caused a revolution and riots in the street and yet today we stand still like deer in the headlights of our government? The antichrist is upon us. The proof is right on the table for all to see. Yet we all turn a blind eye. The poor and even middle class shall soon be homeless vagrants on the street. Yet we still act as if all is ok. Wrapped up In what celebrity is dieting this week or what sports team is winning and losing. Is it fear? Is it delusion? Or Is it just idiocy? To add to the mix I look around me and find that compassion and love for our fellow man is slowly leaving the building as well. So wrapped up in social media that we forget the look of joy on anothers face as we lend a hand or help to make their life a little better in any way. We have become cut throat and selfish, self consumed by products of that very media. No calls, no txts, no letters. Just check their status to know whats up and avoid helpng when they ask and then just say oh sorry, I missed that update on my news feed we are our own executioner and we dont seem to mind the blood on our hands as we suffocate ourselves. Sleep now. It will all soon be over. Count oursleves as you lay your head down for we are the sheep.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 05:21:44 +0000

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