Our government sure spend a lot of the tax payers money on trying - TopicsExpress


Our government sure spend a lot of the tax payers money on trying to prove that the whole world bar the Islamic countries are wrong in their interpretation of what are Human Rights and what it entails (see the Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) together with 83 (NGO) Islam setting up what they claim as the first in the world a Human Rights body from Islamic perspective). They have totally missed the point in that religion should never mix with politics. Religion should not be in government, and influence government decisions for many obvious reasons. Firstly, and most obviously, not everyone living in one country, ruled by one government follow the same religion. Forcing people into following a particular religion goes against the right to have freedom of choice which we have learnt and seen in the past, makes a nicer living environment for us human beings. Secondly, enforcing religion, or religious morals and practices into society can lead to discrimination toward many human beings who are different through no fault of their own. This bullying, which we teach our children not to do from a very young age since we know it is wrong to do so, can in serious circumstance lead to suicide. Something that is frowned upon in many religions, not only that but the death of any person, to any human being like yourself is extremely saddening and allowing religion to infiltrate the government system of well educated countries too often leads to something so much worse. Would you not agree to choose the death of a gay man, rather than allowing him to just be is inhumane, and something one so educated could not ever be okay with? I am convinced that the destructive roles of religion used in the decision-making realms of government can be detrimental towards the evolution of humanity. Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion, and religious involvement often creates more problems than solves. Who are you to choose which religious movements and practices a whole country follows and which it doesnt? Its hard not to see that many things dont add up right in allowing religion influence government decisions. Patriotism and religion should not walk hand-in-hand. As life is more than the balance of blood in our veins, democracy is about more than open and free elections. The key, seems to be in this idea of the tyranny of majority..it is in that where politics and religion become co-entangled notwithstanding a constitution that guarantees that our government will never usurp or interfere with these freedoms.. So my concern about the almost hopeless co entanglement of religion and politics centers on the tyranny of the majority. A true democracy is meant to hold, honor, and defend and encourage diversity and plurality. The whole idea of majority rule goes against the very principle, defeats it even though our constitution presumably gurantees that. When you use religion to try to find your place in the cosmos, it becomes a spiritual journey; the quest for the Holy Grail. When you use religion to try and exert authority, it can become a tyrannical dictatorship. There is value in the former. There is grave danger in the latter. Unfortunately, the latter seems to be norm in history. Give the people the freedom to search for God, but make sure they couldnt force their views on anyone else. In my opinion, religion in itself is not bad. People that force their ideals are. When people that force religious views on others come to power, the freedoms of a nation will be stripped. We must allow where common wisdom can emerge, where our laws and governmnet policies really can manifest what our Constitution guarantees. Remember the phrase power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 02:33:40 +0000

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