Our gut houses over 100 trillion microorganisms. One trillion - TopicsExpress


Our gut houses over 100 trillion microorganisms. One trillion dollar bills laid end-to-end would stretch from the earth to the sun - and back - with a lot of miles to spare. Do that 100 times, that gives you a vague idea of how much 100 trillion really is. What does that mean in layman terms...it means the human gut contains 10 TIMES MORE BACTERIA THAN ALL HUMAN CELLS in the body, with over 400 different bacterial species. So technically, you can say we are more bacterial than we are human. The gut flora promotes normal GI function, provides protection from infection, regulates our metabolism, and compromises more than 75% of our immune system. When the gut flora becomes disrupted, or out of commission so to say, diseases like depression, autoimmune disorders, bowel irregularities, and diabetes may occur. Dysregulated gut flora also plays a huge role in obesity. Nearly every person with obesity, blood sugar issues, GI dysfunction, will also have a leaky gut. The organisms that live in the gut determines how your body stores the food you eat, makes it hard for you to lose weight, and it controls how well your metabolism works. Leaky/sluggish guts can increase the rate at which you absorb carbohydrates (sugars), which in turn increases the storage of fat calories in your body. This means that someone with bad gut flora could eat the same amount of food as someone with a healthy gut, but will gain weight because they are storing the calories as fat instead of eliminating it from the body. What are some things that can screw up the gut? * antibiotics * diets high in refined carbohydrates, sugars and processed foods * diets low in fermentable fibers * chronic stress * chronic infections So, how can we turn a bad gut into a healthy gut? * remove all toxic foods from the diet - yeah right, that is impossible, we would starve because majority of foods this day and time are toxic in one way or another * manage stress - if you are like me, that is hard to do at times * TAKE A HIGH-QUALITY PROBIOTIC - this is definitely one thing that everyone can do Taking a probiotic daily can help restore the good bacteria in the gut and push out the bad stuff. ProBio5 is the BEST probiotic on the market. ProBio5 helps relieve sugar cravings, inexplicable fatigue or bloating, anxiety and brain fog. ProBio5 may provide the following benefits: * Yeast organism (Candida) and fungal cleanse - this is the only probiotic on the market that has an antifungal component associated with it * Proper intestinal balance which increases nutrient absorption * Relief from typical Candida symptoms (anxiety, recurring irritability, lethargy, allergies, acne, dry/flaky skin, migraines, and so forth) So, leaky guts can prevent you from losing weight, it can cause autoimmune diseases to occur, it can promote obesity and diabetes, it can also cause GI dysfunction, and the list continues. If you fix your gut, you will feel better on the inside and out. Plexus has supplements that can help. Ask me how!!!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:11:04 +0000

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