Our thoughts do not create reality, because we do not experience - TopicsExpress


Our thoughts do not create reality, because we do not experience reality directly—we experience it through perceptual filters and we interpret—and then we generalize those interpretations making meaning or creating beliefs. However our thoughts certainly create our reality--how we interpret reality will lead to our experience of reality. Objective and subjective; exterior and interior. That is to say, how we interpret what is happening out there will create our experience of reality in here and it certainly creates our immediate emotional experience and what we make that mean through generalizations and the creations of beliefs about the world, ourselves, people, etc., leads to what I like to call our emotional atmosphere. How is this most often done? In language; in our linguistic structures--interpretations, meaning, descriptors and labels. In this way, while our thoughts do not create reality with a capital R, it does--absolutely--create our experience of reality. As clarifying example, most of us know that we can relate to the same event in one of two ways: as a crisis or as an opportunity. We know that doing so will create different solutions as we will approach it differently. Circling back to this idea of an inner enemy, what results does that labeling of this phenomenon predictably produce? It creates a me vs the other, us against it or them mentality which leads to tension and separation which in turn produces even greater internal dissonance. Read the rest and register for the free webinar here: evolve-co/6a4
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 03:55:40 +0000

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