Over the last 20 years, Anthony William Medical Medium has used - TopicsExpress


Over the last 20 years, Anthony William Medical Medium has used his phenomenal gift to solve thousands of mystery illnesses. Mystery Illness? A mystery illness isn’t just an unidentified disease; it’s any ailment that leaves someone perplexed, for any reason. From the wrong treatment to misdiagnosis, mystery illnesses can take many forms, leaving people searching aimlessly for answers. Anthony classifies them using the following three categories. Unnamed Illness The first type of mystery illness is when after going from doctor to doctor and withstanding a battery of tests, scans, and blood work a patient is told nothing is wrong with them. For example, 35 years ago, thousands of women complained of symptoms such as hair loss, fatigue, ringing in the ears, severe headaches and eye aches, chronic low-grade fevers, aches and pains in joints, serious depression, and anxiety. Yet, when tests failed to reveal any diagnosis, these symptoms were all written off by the medical community. The ailing women were told that the symptoms were in their heads, that they were hypochondriacs, were crazy, or simply had nothing better to do with their spare time than invent symptoms. Decades later, however, what they were all experiencing finally was given a label: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. What does CFS mean? Basically it means nothing; it’s still, in actuality, a mystery illness because what’s behind it is still being debated in both the alternative and conventional medical communities. And more people suffer from it today than 35 years ago. Like those suffering from CFS, for many years people suffered from burning, excruciating pain, and mild paralysis of the limbs before doctors realized that the cause was the deterioration of myelin nerve sheaths in the body, now known as Multiple Sclerosis. Like CFS, even though MS has been given a name, the health community still doesnt have definitive answers for why or how it happens. It’s still, in effect, a mystery illness. Unfortunately, there are many other mystery symptoms people are experiencing that have yet to be named or explained by the medical community. Ineffective Treatment The second type of mystery illness is when someone receives a diagnosis and a prescribed treatment but doesnt get better. In this instance the cure is the mystery. The health community has a name for a set of symptoms but cant find an answer that truly helps those that are suffering. Misdiagnosis The third type of mystery illness is when a person with compromised health goes to a medical doctor or holistic healer and is misdiagnosed. In this case, the person, along with all their friends and family, are convinced its the correct diagnosis. But after years of receiving the wrong treatment, the condition stays the same or worsens. Moving Out of the Darkness So many people with chronic illnesses aren’t getting better, because with a mystery illness the only way forward is through guesswork, which is akin to fumbling in the dark. It shouldn’t take years and years to discover the true cause behind a person’s aches and pains or to discern a reliable cure. With the ability to access vast, highly advanced healing information through Spirit, Anthony William can quickly expose what is truly behind the suffering, ending confusion, and providing a clear sense of direction so that real healing can take place.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:32:48 +0000

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