Over the last 5 years we have seen a few positive changes while so - TopicsExpress


Over the last 5 years we have seen a few positive changes while so many of us attempt to give voice to the voiceless. Our home state of NC has taken some baby steps in the right direction. I am not complaining. Baby Steps are better than no steps, and at least it is going forward. At one time, in NC, the following story would not have been heard and no charges would be pending. The media has come a long way and I do believe those of us who fight every day on Face Book are making a difference. Online Media, like The Examiner, have columnists dedicated to the rights of animals and stories affecting them. The voiceless DO have a VOICE now and it is YOU. More, it is making a difference. This is another case of horrendous abuse and it breaks my heart that no one arrived in time to help this poor dog. At this point, we do not even know the dog’s name or gender. Jerry read the story in our local paper this morning and came to me with the hurt I so often see in his eyes these days. There is a growing segment of society that is fast becoming amoral. But the abuse has always been there.. We have seen it before. The difference now is the animals have A VOICE SCREAMING OUT FOR THEM. So everyone is hearing about it more often. And on the positive side, someone called the police about this incident. I do not even want to think about what they heard or saw that lead them to call for help. And I wish we could have stopped this from happening. The $5000 bond is not enough and I am sure the sentence given will seem more like one to placate those angry voices beginning on the pages of Face Book and becoming so much louder these days. But it is change in the right direction. It is not enough, and the voices will not be quieted. For you: THANK YOU FOR GIVING A VOICE TO THE VOICELESS. You deserve to know you make a significant difference. Many of you may not realize what a change this is for the state of NC … and many other states. Laws not only vary from state to state, but also from county to county. We need to keep shouting and we need UNIFORM FEDERAL LAWS to protect the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves. This is a case that will not be widely heard UNLESS YOU MAKE IT SO. And in being this one dog’s voice, we need to ask questions. WHAT HAPPENED? THIS IS A POLICE BLOTTER WITH LITTLE SAID. THIS DOG’S TORTURED CRIES WERE NOT HEARD UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. WHY NOT? AND WHO IS THIS MAN THAT THOUGHT NOTHING OF BEATING AN ANIMAL TO DEATH? This is a tiny step in the right direction, but not enough … and we will NOT let it slip through the cracks like so many of these “news mentions.” It IS newsworthy when someone beats an innocent dog to death and there are too many of us to be silenced and mollified. We are not satisfied and will not be until there are adequate punishments that serve as deterrents against this horrific abuse. The animals do have a voice through us now. And the voice is loud and strong. We will not be silenced by punishments that serve no purpose but to appease us. FACE BOOK FRIENDS: YOU ARE THIS DOG’S VOICE. NO ONE CRIED FOR THIS DOG BEFORE. NO ONE CARED. He/She died without benefit of a loving touch. Now this dog is a few sentences in the paper, not even a name. To me, that is heartbreaking. GIVE VOICE TO THIS VOICELESS ONE NOW. In shouting out for these little heard stories, a difference can be made. (NOTE: There are thousands of police blotters like this every day across the nation. When you see one, make it seen and heard and be loud about it. The dogs deserve justice, certainly, and that is the only way to effect change for inadequate laws.) fayobserver/articles/2013/09/17/1283559?sac=fo.crime
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:45:39 +0000

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