Over the next 3 1/2 months we will be bombarded with a continuous - TopicsExpress


Over the next 3 1/2 months we will be bombarded with a continuous barrage of well placed ads on Television, on radio, in print wherever we look about how to show our love during the upcoming holidays. We will be told that a true sign of affection is a shiny, new, luxury car with a bow tied on top. We will be shown that the way a loving home looks is with new furnishings where a party is held and everyone is wearing trendy clothes and sips on the latest cocktails and nibbles on the hottest appetizers trending on Pintarest. We will be told that we cannot be held dear in the heart of another if they do not go to Jarrod or if they forget that Every kiss begins with Kay. Now while I would love to one day have my now too small engagement ring replaced (such is the burden of us curvy bodacious girls) I am acutely aware that there are many more pressing matters to face than a shiny bauble on my finger......if after 30 years of good, bad and ugly one needs a trinket to show love then there might be greater issues at hand but I digress. It is time we get a grip on all this wanton, almost obscene spending and come to the realization of what true love actually looks like. Now I do not know about you but to me true love looks like......a couple of baskets of folded laundry, a litter box that gets emptied without reminders, a sink is not full of dirty dishes, having a car that runs and not having to fill the gas tank, a bathroom that is clean.......showing love to me looks like when a few dishes are not sparkly clean on the drying rack they are just quietly placed back in the sink for a rewash, ignoring a kitchen floor that is in desperate need of a scrubbing and overlooking cobwebs big enough to catch a bat hanging from the woodwork......it looks like time spent around a table laughing and talking and sharing.........it looks like cuddles on the sofa and stories told in the car on a drive anywhere...it is listening to that same silly knock-knock joke for the hundredth time...it looks like allowing another to tell the same stories AGAIN and maybe permitting them to get a few of the details incorrect. It looks like granting another the chance to make a mistake to learn a lesson and then not continually reminding them of the error. It is a, Good job or I am proud of you or I am here for you. It comes in the form of a listening hear and a welcoming hug. A cup of warm coffee or a glass of cold water. It comes in a simple meal shared and time spent together. It is not about all the baubles and novelty items that will end up on a thrift shop shelf or in a box in a basement. It is a choice to accept another for who they are and what they can or cannot give. It is the decision to come to a mutual understanding that even if you do not agree with or understand the lifestyle or faith of another you will not shut them out but will welcome them with open arms. Lets start today by making a conscious effort to show love to whoever we come in contact with, whether we know them or not, whether they are lovely or not.....today is your day to start the holiday seasons of thanks and love by not just giving love but by being love......today, well you got today, I know you do. Have an amazing day, tell someone you love and appreciate them and remember you are loved and cherished beyond comprehension
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:27:25 +0000

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