Over the past few weeks, a lot of challenges have been flying - TopicsExpress


Over the past few weeks, a lot of challenges have been flying across social media platforms, both for the greater good and for personal well-being. Here’s my contribution to the movement: 1) I’m very grateful for the love and support of family and friends – some I’ve known for nearly all my life, and others whom I’ve never met in person – who have helped me rejoice in the good things life has sent my way and commiserated with me when I’ve been sad, stressed or bereaved. I couldn’t ask for better. 2) I’m thankful to live in a society where I don’t have to worry about daily rocket attacks, violent civil unrest, or highly contagious diseases decimating the city in which I live. I also appreciate the relative stability and security our economy provides: we’re not all millionaires, but neither do we live in hovels with no potable water and streets filled with beggars and filth. 3) I’m appreciative of the individual freedoms upon which our nation was founded and which remain essential elements of our daily life. We have the freedom to watch some college kid make epic beer pong shots on YouTube; post pictures on Instagram of sunsets, our children, and food; and play Secret Mafia Candy Blitz ™ to our hearts’ content. We also have the freedom to engage – or not engage – in these activities at whatever level makes us comfortable and happy without being bullied or publicly called out for doing too much or not enough of them. I’m not going to select anyone to follow my lead here; if the spirit moves you to tell the world why your life is awesome, that’s great. If you want to eat a bowl of Sriracha and gummy worms and Instagram it, that’s OK in my book. If you want to post a Vine of your neighbor’s Chihuahua fetching the mail, have at it. If you are feeling low and need support, let the online world throw its arms around you and tell you we’ve collectively got your back. All I ask is that you, in the words of a famous “Star Trek” villain, “…do it because it is what you WISH to do.”
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:26:10 +0000

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