Over the years, I have witnessed several subtle and also blatant - TopicsExpress


Over the years, I have witnessed several subtle and also blatant occurrences of racism from members of the family with whom Im closest to. Their lack of compassion for my personal ties to civil rights today has floored me. There is no regard for a persons feelings, and we were never brought up to be CLOSE to one another. I cherish and envy those who have beautiful, tight-bonded families. Today, Ive said goodbye to several people. To them, they really dont care. This is a family where mothers have abandoned their sons, and where brothers have abandoned their brothers. They have no regard to family. To whomever is left: I love you. Even if I dont know you well, you are my blood, and I love you. To those whom have taken me into their family, thank you. I love you, too. I have attached my plea to end yesterdays discussion: It is SHOCKING that no one whom commented in the defense of the Cleveland police has even acknowledged the death of the child. At the very least, I have admitted that the parents and upbringing of the child may not have been ideal. At the end of the day, however, we are suggesting that these procedures be exposed. Furthermore, as someone who does not follow right or left, it is frustrating to see that people are trying to make it divisive. Plain and simple, there has been a recent awareness in the upsurge of imminent shoot-to-kill, or shoot now, ask questions later mentality. As a civilian, we still have to think about our own consequences before even defending ourselves. Like I said, a high number of women whom have defended themselves against their domestic abuser by killing them still do time in jail, simply because regardless, they took a life. If you condense the facts further, you will see that those most often prosecuted in their self-defense are people of color. We are not defending criminals. In particular, we are in the defense of using more humane techniques. I will say, once again, the fact that no one on the opposite end showed any compassion towards the child tells the rest of us that his life didnt matter. That is highly inhumane, uneducated, and uncivilized. If his life didnt matter, why are many of the mass murder shooters who didnt kill themselves allowed to be breathing in the prisons we taxpayers pay for? They all have skin color in common. I am a person of color who actually has been a subject and witness of excess police authority being placed upon them (One example: I was pulled over in Oregon because my front plate was in the dash and the cop couldnt see it. He asked me three times if the car and insurance were in my name, as he had all the proof in his hand. He then asked me twice if he was sure I didnt have any warrants, bro, you already saw that in the computer... Black teenaged girls dont own their own cars, I guess)(ever heard the time a close relative of mine got her face shoved in the concrete at 16 because she was in hysterics? Yeah, they could have put her against the car, cuffed her, but they chose the most degrading move). I respect my authority. I love this country, but this is too much. For those of you--especially those in my family--whom cant acknowledge that your HALF BLACK RELATIVE has been subject to racism, then we seriously have problems. At the very least, you may claim this story as BS, but PLEASE allow me to grieve! Coming from up north, we dont experience it as much, so as Mexican Americans, if, perhaps you havent felt it to the point that youre uncomfortable, I am glad for you, but please do not act like it is not alive in every action we as human beings take. Like I said, Ill be the first one to admit that I dont quite like hanging in areas of lower class for my safety, but sometimes, skin color alone, people still view us as lower. At the end of the day, WE (minorities) cant assume we will always be treated the same, just because we love our country, pay our taxes, and praise Jesus. It hits us differently. As your family, I ask that while you are not black, and people dont walk around and see you as black (I didnt see myself as black either, until everyone kept telling me that I was), please understand that this is the world your friends and loved ones are living in. If what I said has not affected you to at least understand, then that truly saddens me. Years ago, I fought a blood member EXTREMELY CLOSELY RELATED TO ME for saying the N-word, and I did and still love them so much. Imagine your own blood, while they would do anything for you, they dont understand or care that because a part of me shares a different race I hurt for issues like these. At the very least say, You know, Im not black, I think its BS, but if you feel bad about it, I cant stop you, still love you because your life is different than mine. Its very lonely to think that Im not fully cared about. While I identify as Mexican-American culturally, my face and hair tells people Im also black. I NEED the family Im closest to to remain united. I cannot, and will not lose out on my heritage. I fear a wedding with no Mexicans. That is my fear. Just my mom. No one else there to understand why I have mariachis playing, or a Catholic ceremony. I fear cultures (white/black) outside of the one I grew up in dominating the culture of the wedding and giving everyone a false idea of how I grew up and who I am. I am you. Happy holidays.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:40:38 +0000

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