Over the years, Ive been quite vocal about my disdain for the - TopicsExpress


Over the years, Ive been quite vocal about my disdain for the two-party system in American politics. Its a system which is seemingly corrupt beyond repair. Ive also supported a number of candidates from outside the two-party system, dating back to the days of John Anderson and Ross Perot. Americans are sick of this system as well, as evidenced by the fact that only 14% of people surveyed approved of the job Congress has been doing (based on an aggregate of five major news organizations). However, 95% of incumbents were inexplicably returned to office in the last election. Part of this is due to a seeming resignation among the people that its just the way things are. Well, things DONT have to be that way. My friend, Drew Curtis, today announces his candidacy for the office of Governor of Kentucky, with his wife, Heather, running for Lieutenant Governor. Hes running as an independent; therefore hes not beholden to the big-money special interests who have basically purchased the Democratic and Republican parties lock, stock, and barrel (read up on Citizens United). Hes running as a citizen candidate, which means hes not doing this as a professional politician whose only function is to raise money for the next election. The founders of the USA had this mindset. These were people who served their time in office and returned to private life. He also doesnt have to march in lockstep to any party ideology and can evaluate ideas based on their merits rather than any external influence. Thats where we come in. We, as ordinary citizens, need to support Drew and candidates like him. Thats the only way were going to be able to begin to fix an obviously broken system. Will it be easy? No. The entrenched parties have a vested interest in keeping things just as dysfunctional as they are. However, people like you and I DO have a voice if we get together and use it. These same entrenched parties were pushing for the end of net neutrality, which would have meant that only people with enough money would be able to get their message out to the world, effectively silencing the voices of individuals and small businesses. However, a million ordinary citizens fought back and petitioned the FCC against this change. Did it work? Well, President Obama came out in favor of retaining net neutrality and a free and equal flow of information. Im asking you to support Drews candidacy in any way you can, whether by voting for him (if you live in KY), donating whatever you can (doesnt matter where you live for that), or even simply spreading the word and sharing this page. On the website, you can also sign up to volunteer and help any way you can. Ive known the man for almost 10 years, and hes a regular person, not some sort of focus grouped media construct. We need more people like him running for office all over the country. Hopefully, this is where it starts.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:32:28 +0000

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