Over twenty years ago, Dr. Elizabeth Whelan published three books - TopicsExpress


Over twenty years ago, Dr. Elizabeth Whelan published three books having to do with refuting the junk science and media misinformation campaigns by radical wacko environmental activists. Self-appointed consumer groups like Ralph Naders stealth socialists chasing mythical windmills, like Don Quixote, but actually do a lot of damage. Playing on public fears, they tell us were being poisoned by chemicals in our food, air and water, accusing big business of doing this all for big profits, and not caring about the alleged harm to us and to the environment. Its all lies! Unscientific food faddism which, incidentally, is big business as well, but that somehow doesnt matter! Chemicals! WHOOOOO! More lies: our food is safe, pesticides are NOT putting harmful levels of toxins into our foods. Vegetables contain naturally-occurring toxins at VERY low levels, and they dont harm us either! In fact, we are MADE OF chemicals! Pesticides allow crops to grow, without being devoured by insects. If pesticides were banned, we would LOSE up to 50% of our crops -- people would STARVE by the thousands! Hindus, however, believe that its wrong to kill insects. Thats why theres starvation in India, where rats are worshipped as gods, given milk to drink, at the rat temples, but the children dont get any milk. Unfortunately, we have a lot of STUPID people in THIS country, who think eastern religions are just great. They like the cool symbols, and the beads and feathers. Dumb. One of their leaders is a highly educated loony-tune named Fritjof Capra, author of several highly influential books back in the late 1970s and 80s. In the Preface of The Tao of Physics, he describes what is either an LSD trip or a similar altered states episode from meditation: ...I saw cascades of energy coming down from outer space, in which particles were created or destroyed in rhythmic pulses; I saw the atoms of the elements and those of my body participating in this cosmic dance of energy; I felt its rhythm and I heard its sound, and at that moment I knew that this was the Dance of Shiva, the Lord of Dancers worshipped by the Hindus. Later on -- hes a nuclear physicist -- he describes his views, claiming that pantheism is superior to outmoded Cartesian mechanistic views of reality...in other words, hes Lost in the Ozone, Again! Lost in the Twilight Zone... Anyway, he explains how, in particle physics, they discovered, uh-oh, is it a particle? Is it a wave? Lets call it quanta, since it appears to be both...etc... But THEN -- the earlier physicists, like Niels Bohr and Schroedinger, were also fond of eastern mysticism -- therefore, it must be true!! (not so) And so they used the eastern view of interconnectedness of all things (pantheism), which, incidentally, is also popular in paganism. No surprise there. Anyway, these people have decided that they know whats best for all of us, so they have formed political coalitions and networks, and have been wreaking havoc on us ever since. Global Warming is just one of their latest scams, highly profitable to the corrupt scientists who work for them. Yes, they are well-funded. Another book by Capra, The Turning Point, proceeds along the lines of, first creating various crises, spreading misinformation about alleged environmental problems, and a sense of urgency...all calculated to destroy businesses, and to seize political power. Just what we need...
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 00:37:48 +0000

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