Overcoming The Past Part 12 One of the Enemy’s tools of - TopicsExpress


Overcoming The Past Part 12 One of the Enemy’s tools of Bondage Oppression: (to keep down, weigh down, to crush by force, to suppress by cruel or unjust treatment.). This is the definition of the word oppression. This is the first stage the enemy takes to begin his diabolical destruction over a person life. Satan must use the issues of life to weigh you down and he will use any circumstances or situations to begin the controlling process. Hear me out beloveth, the Devil knows in order for him to control and regulate your life he must first tare down any resistance toward him. He want to make sure that you lose you desire for the love of God. The Apostle Paul in II Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 11 says: That we are not to be ignorant of the schemes, or the plans, or the stratagems, or the tricks of Satan. We need to know how he works. We need to know something of his character, something of his person, something of his approach. Satan will use any tool to get the ball rolling in a person’s life. He don’t care if he cause pain and grief to you or your family, by the way Satan loves to see us suffering and he rejoice over our weakness. Beloveth, think about some of the issues that makes you sad, lonely or hurt and I know that you will find the hand of the Devil messing with your situations. He always love magnifying the problem so you will become overwhelm and useless. He plays with the area of low self-esteem, broken relationships and hurts of the past. He stir up discord in the home between family and he know just when to stir up the past in order to keep us in bondage. Now again, what is oppression; anything the Devil can use to bring heaviness in your life. Remember the enemy will use any situations; loss of income, torn relationship, hurts of the past, despair, hopeless, self-pity, loneliness, disappointment, fear and many other things in the hope of breaking your will to make the right decision. If a person passion to live right is ever broken then that person will find himself or herself catering to sin and sin, with all its deadness will slowly take away the conscious to live right and honor God. As I close this session, I pray that something has been said to encourage you to re-evaluate your life with God. It is time to understand Satan’s attacks and how he doesn’t care if you die and go to hell with him in the final judgment. His task is to use you to get even with God and I pray that you will join in with me and begin to fight against his tricks. Remember Sin will make you feel good but at what cost are you willing to pay for it in the end. What we have is temporary upon the face of this earth but what God have is eternal and again Hell is to hot and eternity is too long to gamble with my life for the pleasure of sin for a season. It is not worth spending eternity regretting and wishing I had another chance to make it right. I am calling out those who have lost their way and feel like there is no hope, I am calling for those who have not been to Church in a long time or have not been at all. These are the one I’m praying for and if you feel like you are not worthy of God’s blessing then the Devil is a liar, stop letting him beat down yourself worth. Beloveth regardless of who you are and how far you have gone into sin God still loves you and He is calling for you to come home. Give me the opportunity to work with you and allow these mini teachings to bring transformation into your life. The Devil knows if you keep reading these teachings after a while, you will begin the change process. That is why he has kept many from going to Church so the Word of God will not stir up the conscious. God bless you and again thanks for given me the opportunity to share with you. If you have any questions, concerns, or just need to chat please feel free at any time. We are here for you! Those who do not have Christ in their life. Remember Jesus said he came that we might have life, so get ready to choose life and live. Thanks again for your time and God bless you throughout your week. Beloveth, you have just been empowered now go forth and conquer you day! Your brother in Christ Percy L Craine Message With Love
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:03:40 +0000

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