Overcoming fear Nothing can hold u back but you. “Life is - TopicsExpress


Overcoming fear Nothing can hold u back but you. “Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward” Henry Ford What is fear? Read FEAR to stand for; F- False E-Expectations A-Appearing R-Real I like to put this way, that Fear is like a cancer, eating up your strong body cells that eventually your immune system is compromised. Fear is what makes you lose judgment between what’s wrong and right; that instead you follow what people say is right. Fear is when you can’t wake up in the morning for your jogging session for people will think your are trying to live healthy or to appear cool Fear is when you believe you are not meant to be rich, prosperous and successful, that it is for the chosen few. Fear is when you rely on your Government or your employer to take care of your retirement. Fear is when you rely on family and friends for your happiness not knowing that happiness comes from within than from without. Fear is what makes you believe that evil spirits exist, and that they are to be respected to the extent that you will sacrifice your soul or that of your child, to them. Fear is what forces you to make massive gradual monetary contributions to your Pastor with a hope that he will in return make you rich. God! This only makes that guy richer and if you think this is not true, look around. Our church leaders are the next to politicians and businessmen in the line of the rich. Fear is when you believe that you are not meant to run a business, that job security is what’s best for you (read my article ‘job security). Fear is what makes you stay in that relationship even on the worst terms because you dont want people to say that you have failed. But yes if you stay in a stinky relationship just to please the world, you have failed still, and you know what? People will still talk because you are a failure disguising as a good person. Fear is what makes you wish you were different, you wish your parents were like this and that; that if only I was born in another country etc, that’s all fear trying to hold you back. Even death is not to be feared by someone who has lived wisely- Buddha Fear is when you stay in school even when your belief in the prevailing school system has ceased. Fear is when you stay on that job which you hate with a passion, you keep asking yourself, where will I go, how do I start all over again, how will I pay the bills? Then instead you choose to wait for retirement. This robs you of your energy, happiness and life. Steve Jobs of Apple computers once said “you have got to find what you love. Your job is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work” Life is meant to be enjoyed, so do not; I mean never let anyone rob you of your happiness trying to do what they think is right because what’s right for them may not truly be right for you. Besides that, human nature is in a way that people are always trying to advance their cause despite the face gross they put across. Taking a closer look, you would realize that it is always about money and power; so look out for people’s deeds not words. Create your own life as you go along, fight to advance your cause no matter what it takes. Listen to our inner voice always, avoid the noise around you People should learn to live in tune with their free will………… Fear is a state of mind, you choose to be fearful, and you can as well choose not to. It depends on your thoughts which eventually create your environment. That which you fear is bound to happen. This is so because you give the fearful thought much of your attention. This in turn creates an environment of fear bringing forth more things to fear and whatever you think and believe comes to pass. If you want to move to a higher level of life, you have to be willing to let go of some of your old ways of thinking and being and adopt new ones. Let us put fear behind us, focus on that which we dream to have and become. Enjoy life! God did not give us the spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7). Borrowing from James Baldwin’s’ words, “if one is continually surviving the worst that life can bring, one eventually ceases to be controlled by a fear of what life can bring” So go out and take that risk, if things do not work out right, do not give up. Go back to the drawing board, see what went wrong then correct your mistakes and move on. With this kind of practice, you surely will overcome your fears and get to top of your game. Meet me there…………
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 12:16:15 +0000

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