P/A regarding the habitual TAGGERS! I have said this before; - TopicsExpress


P/A regarding the habitual TAGGERS! I have said this before; however, I will request this now. In light of the fact that if someone is a friend on FB, it is a given that at some point we see each others news feeds and status updates. Please, be PROFESSIONALLY mindful that when you tag an industry person and 50 more of your friends or contacts with all your up coming events, releases, photo shoots, music, etc. Each person you tag will receive notifications on FB, emails, phone, etc. not just from you but, from all the ones who reply and comment or share well wishes with you off that one tag. That amounts to about 30 to 60 notifications from just your ONE post. Imagine what that does to that individuals data usage, time consumed checking every time a notification comes through (only to find out it was your cousin Rae Rae congratulating you on a job well done), and energy spent deleting! Now multiply that by another 400 individuals who will also tag that person with the things they feel are great and awesome in their lives as well? So, here is how you should professionally share the things that you would like the industry to notice and pay attention to: At least, this is how I prefer it. Take time to do your homework and research how each label or industry company wants to receive music, bios, EPKs etc. Dont just bombard their media pages. FB is free advertising, but it should be to YOUR PAGE! Otherwise, it is considered SPAM when you are mass tagging individuals who really have not requested your information. 1. Your newly released single, video, EPKs, etc. Email those links, MP3s, etc to the company or individual according to the process they have set forth on their websites, (If you really want somebody to take the time to listen and give you feed back). Tagging everybody and their grandparents will not get you noticed faster. It will get you deleted or blocked. 2. Events, concerts, shows, release parties, etc. Create an EVENT and invite everyone so they can accept, decline, or give you feedback, or Email (not inbox) a formal invitation to those industry folks you would really love to have attend. Now thats an attention getter! 3. Photo shoots. Why are you even tagging folks with those? Thats for your professional growth and marketing/branding use. Do you really think that it is professional to tag 50 folks and expect them to just arrow through all your 200 shots? If you are not a model seeking an agent, that would not make sense anyway. Cut that out, please! 4. Do not inbox an industry person with a bunch of A&R questions that takes them 30 minutes to answer, when you have not even researched to see if they charge for A&R sessions. Most industry people charge by the hour. Then if they do answer a couple of questions, you feel that you are now buddies and can inbox EVERY time you want them to be impressed by something you have done. Most of them are just trying to be courteous and polite. You must understand that they run a corporation and have artists and employees, and partners to dedicate their time to. Social media can be a blessing to your career and your ministry, only if you use it correctly. It can kill your career before you hit the ground running, if you do not know how to apply the technology and balance it with the current trends of the industry. Be assured that everyone on your friend list will see anything you post on your own page, as that is how it is supposed to be done. Just set your settings to PUBLIC viewing. The tags are meant to be used between close friends and family, who want the pictures (not flyers, status updates, etc), to become a permanent file in their own photo albums for future shares and memoirs. Personally, it makes me feel horrible when I have to un-tag my pages or leave the conversation from the million flyers, status updates, and inboxes I receive everyday. I want to assure you that I have seen what is important to you, am proud and excited for you, and do count it an honor that you would think enough of me to want to tag me on EVERYTHING you put out; however, realistically, the fact that I accepted your friend request or you accepted mine is enough appreciation and mutual understanding that we will be sure and take time to view each others news feed on the regular. TAGGING IS NOT NECESSARY! Francez Castro
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:40:28 +0000

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